A change in the sun’s cycle is expected at the end of this year

by time news

2023-08-08 19:34:11

The planet is experiencing a boom in extreme events with torrential rains and heat waves. This last month we have had heat waves, typhoons, temperature changes, torrential rains and floods. They are the consequences of climate change. Now, NASA claims that a cycle change is expected on the sun.

In this last year, the sun is showing frenetic rhythms that have brought with it atmospheric phenomena such as flares or solar storms. From the Space Weather Prediction Center of the NOAA (National Administration of Oceans and Atmosphere of the United States) they highlight these facts could bring a geomagnetic storm.

The two flares have been classified by NASA as class X. This is the highest of its kind, showing the intensity of the flare.

How and when were they?

NASA has stated in a statement that the first took place on the afternoon of July 2, coinciding with midnight on the 3rd in Spain, and registered a rating of X1.0. This type of rating indicates that it is a very intense flare on a scale of one to five. The number next to it, 1.0 in this case, can take up to 10 and provides information about how strong it can be.

Just three days after the first flare struck, the second came. This was done on the afternoon of July 5. This had an intensity of X1.6. That is, it was stronger than the previous one but with the same intensity.

The latter caused a coronal mass ejection (CME). This is a phenomenon that occurs when the sun’s activity projects a stream of highly charged particles outward. This CME underwent phagotization, this is a process typical of cells and unicellular organisms that merge into a single particle to consume or destroy. This is called ‘cannibal CME’ and it reached Earth this Tuesday as a solar storm classified between the G2 and G3 ranges, that is, between moderate and strong.

Last month another ‘cannibal CME’ phenomenon was recorded, and from what they report from the SpaceWeather portal, they will not be the last we see.

Apparently, flares, ejections or solar storms are something that is normal for this solar cycle. The stars are electrically charged since they are huge balls of fluid that is very hot, and this electrical charge is moving and generating new very powerful magnetic fields.

Changes in the magnetic field

Every eleven years this magnetic field that is created turns around, the poles that are in the north pass to the south and those of the south to the north. After another eleven years they return to their place of origin, and just as if it were a circuit. Each one produces a new cycle that has a solar maximum and minimum where the sun’s activity increases or decreases, generating certain consequences in societies.

The solar maximum of this cycle was scheduled for 2025, but many scientists suggest that it will be brought forward to the end of this year. They can predict this by the number of spots on the sun’s surface, which helps them provide information about it. Although they maintain that we will feel the effects once it has passed, so next year is expected to be moved in terms of solar phenomena.

On July 4, 2022, the aphelion occurred, this is the moment in which the Earth is furthest from the sun, at that moment, it is said that the translation movement slows down according to Kepler’s second law. This was an astronomer who discovered that the orbits that the planets draw when they revolve around the sun are elliptical in shape, in addition to the fact that the star is not the center of the universe.

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