Charlie Hansson’s Epic Trek: Walking 150,000 Steps in One Day for Charity

by time news

Charlie Hansson completes grueling 150,000-step walk for charity

By [Author Name]

VÄRMDÖ – Charlie Hansson, a 24-year-old resident of Gustavsberg, recently accomplished an astonishing feat by successfully completing a 150,000-step walk in one day. Inspired by his previous challenge of walking 100,000 steps in a single day, Hansson decided to push his limits even further this summer.

Hansson embarked on his ambitious journey on July 28, starting his trek from the port of Gustavsberg at midnight. After precisely 23 hours and 30 minutes of non-stop walking, he achieved his goal.

Reflecting on his motivation for this challenge, Hansson shared, “- Then I got a bloody tooth and decided that this summer I will manage to walk 150,000 steps.” Last year, he had experienced a minor setback during his 100,000-step walk, but he was determined to overcome it this time around.

To prepare for the grueling task ahead, Hansson focused on improving his packing strategy. “Last time I had too much packing, and then it was too heavy. This year I thought about quick energy. Raisins, nuts, dextrosol, energy drink. Also socks and extra clothes,” he explained.

The journey initially proved to be less difficult than anticipated, as Hansson had mentally prepared himself for the inevitable hardships. However, as he reached the 70,000-step mark, blisters started forming on his feet, and joint pain became increasingly intense. Nonetheless, Hansson persevered, knowing that his goal was within reach.

With 7:00 p.m. approaching, and already having completed 100,000 steps, Hansson found himself fighting severe exhaustion. “Then it was just a matter of switching to hard rock in the headphones and increasing the tempo,” he revealed. Determined to succeed, he calculated that he needed to walk 6,700 steps per hour to accomplish his ultimate objective.

Finally, after more than a day of relentless walking, Hansson triumphantly reached the milestone of 150,000 steps. Exhausted but elated, he expressed his joy, saying, “- I just thought about how damn nice it would be to go home and eat, sit down and not use my feet. I’m a competitive person too, so it’s nice that I made it. Otherwise I would have to do it again.”

Hansson’s daring endeavor did not go unnoticed by his social media followers. He had pledged to donate one kroner per thousand steps to the organization Ung Cancer. His act of kindness inspired others, as several screenshots of followers donating to the cause were shared with him.

When asked if he plans to embark on another challenge, Hansson firmly stated, “- No damn it, now I’m done. I tried a million steps in a month, but it was too much.” He also discouraged others from attempting the demanding feat, acknowledging that medical experts may not deem it advisable.

Charlie Hansson’s determination, physical endurance, and charitable spirit have left a lasting impression. Completing this extraordinary feat for a good cause has not only showcased his strength but also inspired others to contribute to a worthy organization.

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