Liquid retention: a more common problem in summer

by time news

2023-08-13 02:11:38



Updated Sunday, August 13, 2023 – 02:11

Do your legs and ankles swell more often in the summer? Heat contributes to fluid retention, but if the problem is persistent, you should consult

Illustration by LUIS PAREJO

Our body has a important percentage of water It changes as we get older. The fetus has 100% water, a baby 80%, a normal adult 65% and in older people the percentage is reduced to 50%.

It is also curious to know how water is distributed in our body. It is easy to guess that 94% of blood is water but… did you know that 85% of our brain and 95% of our eyes are also water?

When, for different reasons, this distribution is altered and the liquid element accumulates in areas where it does not touch, we can be talking about fluid retention. Now in summer it can be especially frequent since the blood vessels dilate and the blood can flow more slowly.

Is edema the same as fluid retention?

No. Although the terms are popularly confused, in reality it is not the same. We talk about edema when an accumulation of fluid occurs in the tissues in a specific area. The tissues swell and the volume in the affected area increases. This can occur in different parts of the body such as the legs, ankles, hands, abdomen, or face. The fluid retention however is a more global term which refers to the excessive accumulation of fluid in the body in general.

What are the symptoms?

On many occasions the alarm signal is given to us by the bscula. Unexplained weight gain occurs. There is also swelling in the legs and ankles, increased abdominal circumference and the presence of fovea. What is that of the fvea? What I call “the plasticine girls”. We speak of fvea when we press the skin firmly with our finger and notice a sinking that remains for a few minutes or seconds after we have removed the finger.

Why does liquid retention appear?

There are many causes but the main ones are

Imbalance in thesodium levels. In other words, you’ve gone too far with the salt. Sodium is an essential mineral but if the salt shaker gets out of hand or, more frequently, ultra-processed foods get out of hand, in those parts of the body where there is a lot of sodium, water can be retained to dilute the concentration.circulatory problems. For example, heart failure or venous insufficiency. This occurs because the blood flow does not follow its course as it should, as when a hose is kinked and the passage is blocked. If this happens, the fluid that accumulates accumulates in the tissues.Hormonal changes. This is not a myth! Here women lose out… hormonal imbalances in the menstrual cycle, pregnancy or menopause, can contribute to fluid retention.Renal insufficiency. The kidneys are the true detox of the body, and not those green celery smoothies that are useless. The kidneys remove waste and excess fluid from the body. When the kidneys are not working properly, fluid retention can occur.Medicines. Some medications, such as corticosteroids, can cause fluid retention as a side effect.

Do we have to worry or is it something that comes and goes?

As we mentioned, precisely at the time summer, with the dilation that we suffer from the heat, fluid retention worsens. But if this happens persistently and conditions your day to day, it is more than recommended seek medical attention because it could be a symptom of various diseases heart disease, kidney disease, liver problems… there may be something fat behind it that is not showing its face!

What can we do to improve fluid retention?

Here are five positive action tips we may know about… but don’t do!

Eat healthy reducing processed foods, rich in sodium and added sugars. Limit alcohol consumption. Specifically, what happens in this case is that the alcohol can dehydrate the body and impair kidney function, which affects fluid retention. physical activity regularly. Regular exercise can make blood flow better, improve circulation, less inflammation… and something very interesting: liquids and toxins are eliminated through sweat and urine.Avoid standing or sitting for prolonged periods. If you have a sedentary job, make sure you move and stretch regularly. And if you have to stand for long periods of time, try to rest and elevate your legs when possible. Come on, what less be “quiet stop”, whatever.Control your weight. Excess weight puts extra pressure on poor blood vessels and can interfere with proper circulation.

Are there drugs to treat fluid retention?

Yes. There are drugs, such as diuretics, which can be useful… but it is It is essential to go to a medical consultation to assess the case individually and for the specialist to prescribe the treatment and indicate the most appropriate habits.

#Liquid #retention #common #problem #summer

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