Food plus research: Legacoop Puglia and the evolution of agriculture 4.0

by time news

twelve o’clock, May 16, 2021 – 11:11 am

President Rollo: «Training is a key factor to develop a pillar of our economy». And with PazLab the new challenge is called communication

of Giuseppe Daponte

Carmelo Rollo

BARI – «Arms stolen from agriculture». This still popular saying is based on the old cliché: agriculture does not require special skills. But, according to Carmelo Rollo, president of Legacoop Puglia, «today’s agriculture is no longer the agriculture of the past. Today it is 4.0, increasingly attentive to the quality of food and the environment, and is the sector most affected by innovations (from plants to crops). But to ride them you need new figures, skills and professionalism, which also help to defeat the hiring and transform many workers into entrepreneurs ».

Next Generation and possible development

«Training – notes Rollo – is decisive, especially today. For everyone, including management. As Legacoop we continue to promote courses, to bring businesses and administrators closer to research and universities ». But, for Rollo, «there is still a lot to do to renew the sector, to involve the new generations and prevent the abandonment of the land. The collective agreement is out of date. It must be rewritten starting from real data. Because if a product is priced below the cost of processing, something is wrong. This is the only way to raise skills and generate more competition ». «The aggregation of entrepreneurs is also more important than in the past – he adds -. But it must be encouraged. And the EU structural and Next generation funds will be coordinated and concentrated on the most strategic objectives, focusing on territorial vocations. If we get the strategy wrong, we play the vision, which in agriculture, more than anywhere else, must be long. We are talking about a sector that produces a value of approximately 185 million euros and with assets of 220 million, that is 20% of the Apulian cooperative sector (aggregated to Legacoop) ».

The words of Matteo Serra

«We are witnessing a generational handover that is changing the sector also in its communicability – explains Matteo Serra, president of Pazlab, a cooperative communication company from Lecce -. We interact with customers who cultivate but also transform and sell. In communication strategies, therefore, we also leverage on the people, stories and values ​​that are behind the product, told to reach the highest number of people possible with digital (social media, web, video graphics, images) “. Awareness of the importance of communication is also growing in Puglia. “Our role – concludes Serra – is to activate this exchange and ensure that it is always authentic and also measurable in its effectiveness”.

May 16, 2021 | 11:11


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