Fish falling from the sky … Texas people surprised ..! | ‘fish rain’ in texas, what happened?

by time news

Texas residents were shocked to see this fish rain that fell last Thursday in Texas. They took pictures of the fish that fell near their houses and started sharing it on Facebook. A Texas resident wrote, “Today is a good day for street cats.” Another said, “At first I thought the world was doomed when I saw fish stinging from the sky like this.” Has posted. Although many people wonder about this phenomenon, some have expressed their fear that the dead fish could become infected if not cleaned properly.


This kind of animal rain is called animal rain. Not only fish but also any small animal like frogs, snakes and crabs are likely to get rain. It is noteworthy that such animal rains have already occurred in California and northwestern Siberia. Why, even in our country, in 2019, Kerala has received a similar fish rain in 2019.


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