The path to the Palace of Waterloo

by time news

2023-08-14 00:53:03

As much as there are enough precedents about how Pedro Sánchez directs his leadership, in the face of a new time that is opening up, it is always possible to think that the change may have taken place. Even the miracle. Is the legislature born this Thursday, mortally wounded by the exchange that the PSOE needs to keep its secretary general in La Moncloa without having won the elections? Will Sánchez be able to soften Puigdemont by making him believe that with him the independence and amnesty he demands can come? Because, this time yes, the socialist boss needs to go hand in hand with all those who abjure the Constitution. Since if the current acting president seems to have never changed his opinion in something, it is in his “no is no” to the PP of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, which would be the most direct solution to avoid the tortuous little path that there is until knocking on the door of the palace in Waterloo of the fugitive from Justice.

A loquacious ERC deputy has reported that the Monclovite team opened “discreet” conversations days ago with whom they want to be their procession bearers. If the Socialist Party and those who make up the “Frankenstein bloc” have quickly agreed on anything, it is to separate the pacts this week for the formation of the Table of Congress from the later ones, much more complex and expensive, for the investiture of Sanchez. Come on, no one who calls themselves “progressive” wants to become “a María Guardiola” and, as happened to the current PP president of Extremadura, leave control of the Chamber and the times of the future investiture in the hands of the adversary, for example, in this case, of the people’s deputy Ana Pastor.

In fact, the first gesture would have already been made: Junts and ERC will have their own parliamentary group if the Chamber is chaired by a socialist. And this even though the results obtained at the polls by both would not allow it (they did not get 15% of the votes in the four constituencies where they appeared), as required by the Regulations. In other words, the regulations, which are Organic Law, are going to be interpreted with a wide hand, so that the Catalan separatists manage much more public funds and more time than if they had to distribute them in the amalgamation of the Mixed Group with formations such as the Canary Islands Coalition, UPN and BNG. However, it does not seem that those of Carles Puigdemont, unlike those of Oriol Junqueras, are very interested in having a parliamentary group in Congress, perhaps their final position this week will be “the worse the better”, so they decide to vote for themselves themselves and, in this way, surprises could arise when choosing the president and the cast of vice-presidents and secretaries.

Beyond the usual pools in these circumstances, and once the Catalan socialist Meritxell Batet has been removed from the race to be the third authority in the State, who would hardly be supported by some of the groups that must enter the sum of parties, a name has come to the fore to preside over Congress, perhaps as a rag hare to be destroyed by greyhounds, that of Félix Bolaños. Other socialist information points to the former president of the Balearic Islands as a candidate to obtain the keys to the Lower House. Francina Armengol is a person with well-oiled relations both between the sectors to the left of the PSOE and with the pan-Catalan groups, with whom she has governed in recent years in the Balearic community. Likewise, no one should forget that on the table is the plan to assimilate the Chamber of Carrera de San Jerónimo to a kind of UN, with interpreters and earpieces, where Their Honorable Members can express themselves, in addition to Spanish, in any of the other languages country co-officials. Another nod to secessionism.

If on Thursday Sánchez is able to braid a new “sanitary cordon” against the PP for the Congress Table, forcibly marginalizing more seats and legitimacy to preside over it, and rewarding the independentistas, he will not only be giving a new sample of his rather, it will break with the commitment that has always presided over the negotiations for the governing body of the deputies, to reflect the plurality of the ballot boxes, giving each one the weight gained with the votes. The seven seats of the fled Puigdemont have in their hands, if they decide to complement that “Frankenstein block”, that five of the nine members of the table fall from the “progressive” part.

Faced with such a flight forward, Alberto Núñez Feijóo has little room for maneuver, who has commissioned Cuca Gamarra for the negotiations, which will grow as the week progresses, especially in order to have the difficult support of the PNV. The number two of the Popular Party has been forced in recent days to claim the obvious: that it was Feijóo and not Sánchez who won the elections. And that the PP, or rather, its more than eight million voters, cannot be excluded or humiliated by cornering its 137 parliamentarians in a minority corner of the new Congress of Deputies.

#path #Palace #Waterloo

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