Pope Francis explains what we should do in difficult times

by time news

2023-08-13 12:55:00

August 13, 2023 / 5:55am

Pope Francis affirmed from the window of the Apostolic Palace of the Vatican that in moments of darkness and when “we feel lost”, Jesus “comes to meet us” to help us overcome our fears.

This was stated this Sunday, August 13, during the Angelus, where he reflected on the Gospel of the day, which narrates the passage in which Jesus walks on the waters of Galilee to meet the disciples who were making a boat trip.

The Holy Father explained that in this gesture of Jesus “there is a message” that we can welcome. In the first place, he stressed that, at that time, “large expanses of water were considered the headquarters of evil forces that were not controllable by man.”

“Especially,” he continued, “if they were shaken by the storm, the abysses were a symbol of chaos and made reference to the darkness of hell.”

“And here comes Jesus, who walks on the water, that is to say above those forces of evil, and he says to his own: ‘Cheer up!, it’s me; fear not’. This is the meaning of the sign: the evil powers, which frighten us and which we are unable to control, with Jesus are redimensioned,” Pope Francis said.

He also stressed that Jesus, walking on the water, wants to tell us: “Do not be afraid, I will put your enemies underfoot.” He also clarified that these “enemies” can be death, fear and the devil ”.

The Pontiff assured that “Christ today repeats to each one of us: ‘Courage, it’s me, don’t be afraid!’ Cheer up, that is, because I am here, because you are no longer alone in the rough waters of life”.

“What to do in fear, when you see only darkness and we feel lost? Two things, which in the Gospel the disciples do: they invoke and welcome Jesus”, he pointed out later.

He explained that Peter “walks a little on the water towards Jesus, but then he gets scared, he sinks and then he cries out: ‘Lord, save me!’”.

Pope Francis stressed that “This prayer is beautiful, with which the certainty that the Lord can save us is expressed, that He overcomes our evil and our fears”.

For this reason, he encouraged the faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican to repeat it “especially in times of storms.”

“The Lord knows that the boat of life, like the boat of the Church, is threatened by contrary winds and that the sea on which we sail is often rough.”

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Likewise, he emphasized that Jesus “does not save us from the fatigue of navigation”, but rather “invites us to face difficulties, so that they too become places of salvation, occasions to meet Him”.

“He actually in our moments of darkness he comes to meet usasking to be welcomed, like that night at the lake.”

Next, Pope Francis asked the following questions: In fear, how do I behave? Do I go ahead alone with my strength or do I call on the Lord? And how is my faith? Do I believe that Christ is stronger than the waves and the adverse winds?

“But above all: am I sailing with Him? Do I welcome him, make room for him in the boat of life, do I trust him with the helm? Mary, star of the sea, help us to seek, in the dark journeys, the light of Jesus”, concluded Pope Francis.

Almudena Martínez-Bordiú is a Spanish journalist, correspondent for ACI Prensa in Rome and the Vatican, with four years of experience in religious information.

#Pope #Francis #explains #difficult #times

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