Sound of Freedom: Uniting People to Fight Child Trafficking

by time news

New Film ‘Sound of Freedom’ Aims to Shed Light on Child Trafficking Issue

In the midst of controversy and political partisanship, the co-writers and director of the movie “Sound of Freedom” are determined to maintain the focus on their deep intention: bringing awareness to the reality of child trafficking through the power of film.

From the very beginning of their research and writing in 2015, the creators of “Sound of Freedom” believed that ending child trafficking is an issue that can unite everyone, regardless of political affiliation. They stress that child trafficking is not a conservative or a liberal issue, but rather a fundamental human rights issue that strikes at the core of our humanity.

While child trafficking is undoubtedly a difficult subject, the fact that millions of people have been drawn to theaters to watch a movie about it is a heartening sign. What’s more, this audience spans the entire political spectrum.

According to a recent article in Newsweek, “Sound of Freedom” is viewed favorably by the majority of both Republicans and Democrats. While this may come as a surprise to some, the creators of the film emphasize that it was not made for a specific political group, but rather for all human beings. The moral imperative to end child trafficking is something that resonates with the human heart.

The creators of “Sound of Freedom” urge society to confront the issue of child trafficking head-on. They highlight the alarming fact that America is among the largest consumers of child sexual abuse materials, and American money contributes to the perpetuation of both domestic and international trafficking. Ending the sexual exploitation of children requires addressing the underlying societal issues and criminal enterprises that make children vulnerable to trafficking.

Raising awareness is the first step, and individuals are encouraged to seek information and statistics from trusted sources such as the United Nations, the US Department of Homeland Security, and local law enforcement. Armed with the shocking facts, individuals can then support the network of organizations dedicated to fighting human trafficking.

The creators acknowledge that finding solutions to these enormous problems requires political engagement, which is inherently complex and divisive today. However, they stress that political divisions should not hinder the necessary work to combat child trafficking.

“Sound of Freedom” tells the story of real-life hero Tim Ballard, who left his job at Homeland Security to rescue trafficked children. In the development, research, and writing of the film, politics never factored into the discussions. Personal politics should be irrelevant when it comes to saving children from human trafficking.

The film has been labeled as “faith-based” or a “Christian thriller,” but the creators emphasize that it was made for people of all faiths and even those with no faith. They reject the need for labeling a film that addresses an issue of importance to everyone.

Unfortunately, “Sound of Freedom” has also been unfairly associated with extreme conspiracy theories. The creators clarify that the movie was written and shot before these theories emerged, making it impossible for the film to reference them. Major media outlets, such as NPR and Rolling Stone, have made it clear that the film itself does not contain any references to conspiracy theories.

While the creators admit to compressing the time frame and adjusting certain events for creative reasons, they maintain that “Sound of Freedom” tackles a brutal and uncontroversial topic. The exploitation of children is universally seen as a horrific crime that must be stopped.

Ultimately, the creators hope that viewers will recognize the film for what it is: a sincere effort to unite people around the fundamental human rights issue of child trafficking. The issue does not belong to any single interest group, but rather to all of us who share the world. Now, the question remains: what will we all do about it?

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