For the future, for Cuba

by time news

2023-08-12 00:20:26

The ongoing wars, the famines, the forced expulsion of millions of people from their territories, the generalized violence, the dispossession against the peoples and the destruction of nature due to the dynamics of capitalism have raised the alarm about the possible, if not imminent, total destruction of human life. Those who aspire that annihilation is not the only destination and dream of a social change with justice and freedom are often anguished at not finding in the present lights for a better future.

70 years ago in Cuba, a radical liberation project began that moved the entire world and revived the libertarian dreams of the oppressed. With the triumph of the Revolution (1959), an original path was opened to organize the life of the country in a way that was opposite and different from the logic of reproduction of capital and its state political forms. The Cuban audacity aroused the rage of the richest and most powerful inside and outside Cuba, mainly in the United States. Since then, Washington has set out to destroy the Cuban project.

Democrats, Republicans and the Deep State, in alliance with criminals of Cuban origin, have attempted various attacks against Cuba: coups, bandit groups, invasions, assassinations, bombings, economic and biological warfare, terrorist attacks and even appeared at some point. a nuclear war on a global scale. His plans have failed due to the force with which the Cubans defend their revolution. Guided by the thought of José Martí and Fidel Castro, they consider that in order to build a society with social justice, equality, peace, democracy and freedom, they must follow their own anti-capitalist project mediated by the forms of exercise of power under constant siege from abroad. The more than 60 years of socialist transition demonstrate the validity of that belief by contrasting life on the Island with the reality of other countries in the region delivered to the dynamics of neocolonial capitalism.

Currently the US offensive against Cuba has intensified. To the economic impacts of the “global boil” (Antonio Guterres dixit) and the pandemic, as well as the structural deficiencies caused by the economic blockade imposed by the United States 61 years ago, was added the inclusion of Cuba in the “list of countries that sponsor terrorism” to suffocate the Island (carried out by Trump on 1/12/21 and ratified by Biden). It is irrational and implausible that the country that has carried out the most coups, invasions and wars in the entire world and where the police and supremacists attack the non-white population on a daily basis, accuses a country that defends its independence and that supports the whole world with its medical, scientific and educational brigades. They trust that their media terrorism and their self-proclaimed power to reward and punish whomever they please will be enough to promote social immobility in the face of this atrocity.

It is worth insisting: the United States’ commitment is not limited to “economic punishment”. This is only conceived as the most effective trigger for the birth of a violent opposition within Cuba, which precipitates a civil war to later justify a Yankee military invasion disguised as humanitarian aid. Through multiple media campaigns promoted on the Internet, as well as direct financing to seditious groups, they want to create a breeding ground for the new Cuban generations, so that they can buy the American dream and live a nightmare, like the one their brothers face daily. in Haiti or Puerto Rico.

Contrary to the imperial will, a large number of artists, intellectuals, human rights defenders and popular movements around the world defend the right of Cubans to walk their own path. Through a letter and the website: they promote an initiative of mobilization and social pressure so that Cuba is removed from the list of countries that sponsor terrorism. Its goal is to collect at least one million signatures and undertake various mobilizations in support of the campaign. If achieved, a great step will be taken to eliminate the criminal blockade.

While the cultural industry insists on convincing us that in the future there can only be the eternal kingdom of capital or the end of humanity, projects like the Cuban one shed light on other horizons. Therefore, those who view with anguish the possible extermination of human life must understand the importance of joining A world contrary to capitalism will only be born from the imperfect (multipolar) efforts of the peoples to build less unjust, egalitarian and peaceful societies. To support Cuba is to defend the possibility of a future that is not the annihilation of life. No human should be indifferent.

Taken from The Day

#future #Cuba

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