Long live Milei and freedom, damn it! Only a madman can believe that Argentina has a remedy – Federico Jiménez Losantos

by time news

2023-08-14 21:01:48

The impressive success of mercy and its great candidates -Píparo, Marra- is the first great news for the cause of freedom in the world, especially after the last elections in Spain, which leave us at the mercy of proven terrorists and enthusiastic coup plotters, without forgetting the traitor Sánchez .

What Argentina, after a long century of interventionism, of him, three quarters of Peronism with the occasional violent interruption, there is no remedy is something that Argentines themselves believe, first of all. Eight out of ten young people would leave their country if they could. The reason, in a country that believes itself rich and has a 40% poor (10%, indigent) and a 130% inflationwhich for the November elections will border on hyperinflation: the dollar blue is above 600 pesos) is hopelessness in a country accustomed to a system of subsidies or payment because of a criminally corrupt and demagogic political caste to nausea.

All the ideological rubbish from the Sánchez government is Kirchnerist. The best friends and associates of the Great Thief are the Spanish socialists and communists, from Garzón to Zapatero, from Sánchez to Yolanda Díaz and from Iglesias to Irene Montero, passing through Monedero, Lastra and other patulea of ​​the Puebla Cartel, formerly the Sao Paulo Forum and, before, Comintern. Gender ideology ranges from the Clown Filomena to Ione Belarra. And it is sad to see that it has been more difficult for Cristina, after the Nisman murdercorrupt the Argentine Justice than Sánchez and Zapatero to the Spanish.

But the cause of freedom is the same. And no one who loves freedom and Argentina will have stopped being moved by that vote of confidence that the voters have given to Freedom Advancespersonified by Javier Milei.

I follow the news from there daily, usually through The nation, although the abject campaign of some of its communicators -Canosa, Novaresio, Majul, Leuco and some stubborn person who I hope is already sorry- has made me migrate to other channels. The ferocity of the hoaxes and slander has been greater than what those of Vox suffer here, when they do not execute. And by the way, that the anti-liberal and protectionist Buxadé, do not brag about Milei’s success, which represents the exact opposite: the opening of borders, the end of protectionism for “strategic sectors” and the sovereignty of the currency, the peso, which he intends to replace with the dollar, once the ruin of the Central Bank and close it, between a year and a year and a half. Can anyone imagine Buxadé exchanging the euro for the dollar and not for the peseta? Well, that’s the difference between Vox Dei and La Libertad Avanza by Javier Milei.

Milei is said to be crazy. You have to be to believe that Argentina has a remedy. But the Argentines have reached that conclusion: only a madman will dare to dismantle this enormous racketeer that has plunged us into misery.

From the author

The ultra-Sanchist media such as The Ultra countryETA launderers and coup leaders, and the Kirchner feathered men ambushed in The world and other supposedly right-wing media speak of the “angry vote” for Milei. But I have followed the programs of all the candidates and the only one with a real economic plan in the long run it’s Milei. The only credible party to fight against insecurity on the streets is Milei’s party. The only one who speaks of a resurgence of Argentina as a power in 35 or 40 years, not in a day, is Milei. The one who talks about sacrosanct respect for property It’s Milei. The one who is said to be the son of Alberdi and disciple of Benegas Linch Jr. is Milei. The one who talks about the immorality of the budget deficit is Milei. The only one who does not separate economic and political freedom and moral duty is Javier Milei.

How can we not feel our triumph? How can you not expect him to reach the presidency or, at least, the government of Argentina in November? How can we not believe that if even Argentina seems to be resurrected, Spain can too. Difficult? Definitely. But if Argentina can, so can we.

In her honor, that of Victoria Villarruel and so many Argentine friends who worship the dignity of all human beings Long live Freedom, damn it!


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