U.S. Navy Left Without Senate-Confirmed Leader as Republican Senator Blocks Nominations

by time news

Title: U.S. Navy Without Confirmed Leader as Republican Senator Blocks Military Nominations

Date: August 14, 2022

In a historic first, the U.S. Navy finds itself without a Senate-confirmed leader as a Republican senator continues to block military nominations. Retiring Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Mike Gilday stepped down on Monday, leaving the Navy, Army, and Marine Corps without confirmed leaders for the first time in history.

“This is unprecedented. It is unnecessary. And it is unsafe,” expressed U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin during a relinquishment ceremony at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.

Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville, representing Alabama, has been responsible for blocking numerous military nominations from moving forward. He claims that the Pentagon is misusing government funding to cover travel costs for abortions for service members and their dependents.

“This sweeping hold is undermining America’s military readiness. It’s hindering our ability to retain our very best officers, and it’s upending the lives of far too many American military families,” added Defense Secretary Austin, highlighting the detrimental impact of Senator Tuberville’s actions.

President Joe Biden has nominated Admiral Lisa Franchetti to lead the Navy, a historic nomination that would break the gender barrier in the U.S. military. Admiral Franchetti would become the first woman to command the service and become a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff once the Senate confirms her. In the meantime, she will assume an acting capacity to lead the Navy.

The issue at hand dates back to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that recognized a constitutional right to abortion. In response, the Pentagon announced its willingness to cover travel costs for service members seeking abortions and provide up to 21 days off. With several states limiting abortion access, the military argues that women service members have limited options for choosing their stationing locations.

The Senate’s approval of military promotions is typically a smooth process. However, Senator Tuberville’s hold cannot prevent the Democratic-majority Senate from voting on any promotion, but it can significantly slow down the proceedings.

The absence of a confirmed Navy leader highlights the urgency for resolving the nomination deadlock in the Senate. The delay has implications for military readiness and disrupts the lives of countless military personnel and their families.

About the Author:
Idrees Ali is a national security correspondent in Washington D.C., specializing in Pentagon affairs. He extensively reports on U.S. military activities and operations worldwide, analyzing their impact. Idrees has reported from over two dozen countries, including Iraq, Afghanistan, and various regions in the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. He is currently stationed in Karachi, Pakistan.

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