4 medical specialties that could be replaced by AI

by time news

2023-08-15 02:00:10

In 1956 John McCarthy, a computer scientist, coined the term Artificial Intelligence to describe machines that have the ability to perform tasks previously thought to be exclusive to humans.
The development of ChatGPT represents one of the greatest technological advances achieved so far.
Within the forecasts it is thought that in the future an improved version of the Da Vinci robot could be achieved but completely automatic.

The world advances every day thanks to the development of technology. It is a situation that cannot be avoided and although there are some favorable points, there are also others that could be counterproductive. In fact, within the field of health it has been suggested that certain Medical specialties could be replaced or even disappear due to Artificial Intelligence (AI), but which ones are they?

In the first instance, the current context recalls what happened during the First Industrial Revolution with the rise of the steam engine. From the end of the 18th century to the middle of the 19th century there was an acceleration in economic development. At the same time, thousands of jobs were lost as human labor was completely replaced.

But although something similar could happen today, the scenario is actually different. Despite the advances that have been made, it has been questioned whether technological innovations can replace humans, especially when it comes to medical care.

And what is Artificial Intelligence?

The person who used this term for the first time was the computer scientist John McCarthy. In 1956 he used it to describe the creation of machines that had the ability to perform tasks previously thought to be the exclusive domain of humans. Since then multiple teams have been developed and each one is superior to the last.

One of the biggest steps in technological evolution was the conception of ChatGPT. It is a chatbot based on the GPT-3 AI language model and was developed by the OpenAI company. For its elaboration, more than 175 million parameters were used and it was trained to carry out different activities related to language, from translation to text generation.

This tool stands out because it not only offers automated responses but actually behaves like a human. The only thing that is required is to write any question and it automatically writes a highly complex answer. From his behavior it seems that he can really “think”.

The medical specialties that could disappear because of AI

For his part, he Dr. Rafael Bustamante, who is also a cardiologist, published a video that has divided opinions. The reason is because he affirms that there are some medical specialties that could disappear and be replaced by AI. It is not something certain but it mentions that there are four that are at risk.

Nuclear medicine.
Oncological radiotherapy.

According to his prediction everything is based on the possibility offered by technology to carry out large data analysis in just a few seconds. In fact, there are already algorithms that allow millions of clinical records to be compared instantly, and in the end, the main objective is always to offer the best service to patients.


Specialties destined to disappear by artificial intelligence? #medicaltiktok #cardiology #tiktokmedico #medicine #radiology #medicinanuclear #pathology #ia #artificial intelligence

♬ Sunny Day – Ted Fresco

For his part, Dr. Bustamante said that he cannot offer a specific date because it could even occur in the long term, but he does think that those mentioned will be the first medical specialties to be replaced by an AI.

He also made another interesting point. Based on the progress made, he mentions that something similar could happen for surgical specialties. The reason is because from the advances an improved version of the system could be designed. Da Vinci robot but completely automatic. In this way they will not require human support to perform minimally invasive surgeries.

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Can ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence replace a doctor?

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#medical #specialties #replaced

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