The phenomenon of exclusion and harassment of women on buses is increasing

by time news

2023-08-14 10:57:00

Hila Peleg was refused yesterday (Sunday) to board bus route 86 of the Afikim company in Ashdod, when the driver claimed that “the bus is for the separate beach, today it is for boys”. In the recording from the bus, the driver is heard explaining to Peleg: “Today it’s boys, tomorrow it’s girls. This bus is for the separate beach, the one for the ultra-Orthodox. These are ultra-Orthodox men, they will kill you. I can’t take you on.” In response to the incident, the Afikim company suspended the driver.

In another case published yesterday, a driver on route 885 of Nativ Express from Ashdod to Kfar Tabor, yesterday demanded men to sit in the front and a group of girls to sit in the back while scolding them for their clothing. The girls complained to the driver about his attitude and he replied that “the education you grew up with is the worst possible education. When you get on a bus with religious and ultra-Orthodox people who respect their way, you should respect their way too. What do you want? That they look at your body ?”.

The girls answered him: “The same way we respect them, they can respect us. They close their eyes when we pass and spit on us. We also have feelings.” The driver answered them: “This is the state of the Jews and this is where you live.”

The Nativ Express company stated that it “learned about the details of the case from the media inquiries and intends to thoroughly investigate the facts with the subcontractor that performed this trip for Nativ Express.” It was also reported that “the company regularly briefs its drivers, among other things, regarding the Time road towards the traveling public and their duty to allow a free, safe and comfortable ride for each and every passenger, while maintaining the passenger’s privacy.”

The cases in Ashdod are just part of a series of cases documented in the media in recent weeks. According to a report by Professor Hana Yablonka, last Thursday a bus driver refused to answer the questions of her neighbor, a Holocaust survivor, claiming that he “doesn’t talk to women”.

What does the Tirlol look like in the small one. But you remember that God is in the small details, right? For over thirty years I have lived opposite the Erez family. people…

Posted by Hana Yablonka on Thursday, August 10, 2023

According to the Dan company, a disciplinary investigation was conducted with the driver. The company stated: “This type of behavior is unacceptable, and goes against the concept of service to the traveling public, which has always been practiced in Dan.”

A few days ago in Tel Aviv, passenger Romi Inbar was harassed when the bus driver demanded that she get dressed. She got off after two stops from the shock and the insult. “It’s a difficult and horrifying situation,” she told “Khan Haodes”. The Dan company, which operated the line, said in response: “To the extent that any of the passengers were inconvenienced, the company apologizes.”

Also in May, a woman was expelled from line 80 by passengers in Ashdod, because it is “only for men”. The bus driver did not help the woman get on. According to the Electra Afikim company, the driver was summoned for a conversation and the instructions were clarified for all drivers.

At the end of July, the driver of the Line Company on route 29 in Emek Hafer refused to drive a girl because she was wearing sports clothes. Qavim strongly condemned the behavior of the driver in this case.

Harassment of women on buses is also directed at female drivers. In July, an Egged bus driver was blocked during her work by passengers waiting at the station on Rabbi Kahanman Street in Bnei Brak because she was a woman.

Additional cases of exclusion of women on buses were published at the beginning of the year, but the number of cases now is connected to the circumstances of discrimination on religious grounds, in addition to the number of religious and ultra-Orthodox passengers on school leave from the ultra-Orthodox education system called “between times”.

Minister of Transportation: “Do not hesitate to report”

The Minister of Transportation and Road Safety, Miri Regev (Likud), condemned the phenomenon twice, yesterday and today. According to her, “There is no place for the exclusion of women in Israel, neither in public transportation nor anywhere else. The State of Israel is a democratic country that does not accept discrimination on the basis of gender. Any attempt to exclude women on a train, bus, plane, or any other means of transportation will be met with a severe response. Our duty To preserve the dignity of all human beings, and of course the dignity of women all the more in the public sphere. I instructed the public transportation division of the ministry to act so that these cases do not happen again!”

In today’s announcement, the Minister added that “I have directed the Director General of the Ministry of Transportation to hold an urgent discussion with all the managers of the public transportation companies and deliver a clear instruction that is not ambiguous – there is no tolerance for exclusion. If you encounter improper conduct, discrimination in public transportation, we are here to take care of it.”

The minister’s office stated that a complaint can be submitted on the website, by phone at 02-6663049 or by email at [email protected].

As I wrote yesterday, I repeat and clarify – there will be no exclusion of women in public transportation. Point. For me, every case is an event that must be dealt with…

Posted by Miri Regev on Monday, August 14, 2023

The chairman of Naamat, Hagit Par, said in response: “We are witness to a frightening deterioration. Shocking stories of exclusion, separation and erasure of women in the public sphere are becoming a daily matter. This is a slippery and dangerous slope. The public space that includes public transportation, natural sites, Israel’s beaches, public institutions and more – belongs to the public in an equal manner according to law. There will be no discrimination against girls by a bus driver who receives support from the decision makers. Civil society will not allow halakhic rule here – it’s not right and left, but dark people who want to destroy the lives of all of us here.”

The “Alternative Builds” association stated: “This is not a mistake, it is a policy. The Israeli government is actively working to exclude and erase women from everywhere. We have no choice, and we must take the safeguarding of our security into our own hands. We established the ‘Beaver Patrol’ and in the coming days we will monitor and sample buses throughout the country to protect and protect girls and young women throughout the country, and to make sure that such cases, on buses and in any other public space, do not repeat themselves. We will continue to act to ensure the safety of women in Israel as we have been doing for 3 years and we will not let up until we reach our goal.”

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