jealousy, psychological and physical violence

by time news

2023-08-15 07:03:49

When the Cali Police entered the luxurious house number 6 of the El Mameyal private complex, after two hours of knocking on the door and using force, they found the businessman and alleged femicide Andrés Gustavo Ricci Díaz asleep in his double bed, still with the revolver in his hand and his index finger on the trigger; then he would say that in a guest room on the second floor was the inert, bullet-ridden body of skater Luz Mery Tristán, stretched out on the floor, with one foot holding the door to prevent her from being killed.

The police officers tried to wake up Ricci Díaz, and at that moment he fired the weapon, which would show that he was either about to commit suicide, or that he was determined to have a shootout with the uniformed officers. According to the newspaper El Tiempo, “the businessman was wearing a long-sleeved white T-shirt and jeans. After identifying himself, he pointed to another of the weapons that was in the room and stated that he had killed his partner.

Minutes after that irruption of the police, someone called Tristán’s daughter: “We have to tell you something about your mother”, to which she replied: “He killed her, right?” This response has marked one of the veins of the authorities, and that is that the skater was immersed in a relationship where she was psychologically and, perhaps, physically mistreated, which for the Prosecutor’s Office would configure the crime of femicide, the confirmation that the woman lived in a violent environment.

Messages from Tristán herself to some of her friends have already been known where she pointed out the unhealthy jealousy of her partner, whom she was soon going to marry. One of them revealed by El Tiempo says: “I don’t know what it is that generates that outburst in him at a given moment and it’s jealous son of a bitches, celopathy. But hey, I’m going to write him something nice, but you help me, because I want to reach his heart.

Luz Mery Tristán lived the daily life of thousands of women in Colombia, she herself told some of her friends that she believed she could make Ricci change, who already had a history of abuse with other couples, but could not do it and this man whom loved apparently turned on her in fury.

It’s a drama. The National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences registered this year as of May 31, 19,606 events of violence against women in homes and carried out 8,511 examinations for alleged sexual crimes. The National Attorney General’s Office has raised 4,142 alerts so that the authorities intervene quickly in these homes where abuse is daily bread.

And it is that everything seems to indicate that the mistreatment of Luz Mery Tristán was constant, since in recent days there have been several testimonies from relatives who assure that the athlete had been beaten at least twice, but she always believed that she could get out of the situation as a couple with professional help.

Now that the results of the autopsy carried out by Forensic Medicine are known, it is known that Tristán died from “a wound from a firearm projectile at the level of the dorsal region and another wound at the level of the thorax.” That is to say: a shot would have gone through the aorta. However, before being shot possibly from a hallway in the house, since she was taking refuge in the guest room, she had a confrontation with Ricci; the doctors found that she had a bump on her upper right eyelid; the blow she had received was so strong that she “presented a bruise that involved the entire right eyeball.”

The greatest proof of the confrontation is that Tristán had bruises on his fingers and knuckles, which suggests that he defended himself as best he could while his feminicide attacked her mercilessly; apparently this man’s pursuit of the expat skater was such that the neighbors heard screams and blows. Then, as already said, the woman hid in the guest room, whose door the Police found with four shots – five firearms were seized from Ricci, three of them were traumatic-; in a bathroom two golden casings were found in a bathroom and one more in another part of the house.

Among the things that surprised the policemen was a letter that, to some of them, seemed like an alibi to poison the crime scene. As revealed by El Tiempo, in the same room where the athlete’s body was found, a manila envelope was found on a table marked like this: “Only if they can hold a wake for both of us in the room where they held a wake for my mother (sic) We wanted to leave, they won’t understand. Everything seems to indicate that it would be a ruse to bog down the investigation.

At this time Ricci is without a lawyer and it was known that he apologized to Tristán’s family; Apparently he would want the crime to be classified as aggravated homicide and not as aggravated femicide, the latter crime for which he would have to pay up to 45 years in prison.

Ricci’s Background

The Prosecutor’s Office is going to the last consequences and all probot material is being made that has Ricci’s past as an alleged abuser of women.

And it is that recently, and as a result of the murder of Luz Mery Tristán, a revealing complaint was made known by Ricci’s ex-wife.

In a publication through social networks, it was learned that María Del Pilar Jaramillo, the ex-wife of Andrés Gustavo Ricci, had openly denounced him for the mistreatment he suffered during their marriage. “She threatened me that her girlfriend was going to sue me for putting her on the networks, the truth is I’m doing all this because I always kept quiet, we’ve always been used to violence.”

The publication, which she made on her Facebook in 2017, has resurfaced in the midst of the ongoing investigation into the murder of Luz Mery Tristán and sheds light on possible antecedents of violent behavior by the alleged femicide. According to the ex-wife, her relationship with Ricci was marked by episodes of emotional and physical abuse.

Jaramillo pointed out in the publication the mistreatment he suffered from Ricci. “He hit me many times, he forbade me to go out with my friends, and I, which is worst of all, allowed it, he treated me like a bitch, I received a lot of abuse from him and I allowed it, I have been taking antidepressant pills for five months and trying to recover.”

In addition, he denounced at that time that Ricci reproached his sentimental partner that the only thing he wanted from him was his money. “And today I already felt determined, it was with the threat of a lawsuit and also that he says that the only thing I want is the money. I wonder what money?

In the message, the ex-wife indicates that she knew of more abuse inflicted by Ricci and even almost murdered her. “I have heard of more mistreatment and not only with me, I decided to leave him last time because he almost killed me and on top of that he wanted to make me feel guilty.” “I no longer care about the consequences, I know what you are capable of, but I am no longer afraid of you,” she concludes.

The case is still open for now, however, the Prosecutor’s Office is more than sure to carry out its thesis of femicide, which seems more than evident.

#jealousy #psychological #physical #violence

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