Causes and Remedies for Nocturnal Heart Palpitations

by time news

2023-08-15 14:18:03
Title: Understanding Nocturnal Heart Palpitations: Causes and Remedies

Date: August 15, 2023

By: Juliane Gutmann

Nocturnal heart palpitations, characterized by a racing heart while at rest, can be a source of anxiety for those affected. However, in most cases, these palpitations are harmless and can be attributed to various factors. According to the Heart Foundation, nocturnal heart palpitations often occur without warning, but there is typically no serious underlying cause.

When the body engages in physical activity, such as biking or climbing stairs, the heart beats faster to pump oxygen-rich blood to meet the increased demand. Similarly, at night, the heart can experience an accelerated heartbeat due to reasons other than physical exertion. While this may be alarming, it is usually not a cause for concern.

Doctors consider a heart rate between 60 and 90 beats per minute as normal. Tachycardia, characterized by heart rates ranging from 140 to 180 beats per minute or higher, is usually considered abnormal. However, not all instances of tachycardia are indicative of a serious heart condition. In some cases, tachycardia can be attributed to benign factors, such as hormone changes during menopause or fluctuations during menstruation or pregnancy, medication intake, caffeine consumption, sleep disorders, anxiety disorders, panic attacks, low oxygen levels in the blood, low blood sugar levels, or stress, as reported by the Heart Foundation.

It is essential to seek medical attention when experiencing tachycardia accompanied by palpitations, shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, and sweaty hands, as these symptoms could be indicative of atrial fibrillation, heart attack, or coronary artery disease.

While not all causes of palpitations require medical treatment, it is important to consult a doctor to determine the underlying cause. Various relaxation techniques, such as autogenic training or yoga exercises, can help reduce stress levels. Engaging in regular physical activity and ensuring sufficient sleep also contribute to a better quality of sleep and overall heart health. Additionally, some herbal remedies, like chaste tree preparations, have shown effectiveness in addressing hormone fluctuations, as stated on

Low blood pressure can also trigger nocturnal heart palpitations. When lying down, blood pressure normally decreases, and if one stands up too quickly, the heart tries to compensate for the sudden drop in blood pressure, leading to tachycardia. Although usually harmless, this can be an indicator of cardiac insufficiency.

In emergency situations, specific first aid measures may help stop heart palpitations. The Heart Foundation suggests deep and conscious breathing, gentle neck massages near the pulse area, equalizing pressure by pinching the nose and blowing air out, and consuming a cold, fizzy drink followed by attempting to burp to increase pressure in the chest and abdominal area.

It is important to note that if these measures do not alleviate the palpitations or if they persist for an extended period, seeking immediate medical attention is crucial. Symptoms such as dizziness and weakness should also prompt a call to the emergency number.

Nocturnal heart palpitations can be distressing, but understanding the potential causes and implementing appropriate remedies can help alleviate anxiety and promote better heart health. Consultation with a medical professional is always recommended for proper diagnosis and treatment.]
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