The debate on the Electricity Act ended without the presence of the opposition; Voting tomorrow morning

by time news

The Knesset plenum debated tonight (Monday) the controversial Electricity Law, which will be put to the vote tomorrow morning in the second and third readings. The opposition, which opposes the law, boycotted the debate in the plenum: “We will not participate in this show,” the Likud said. In their absence, reservations were heard only from Knesset members of the joint list, the only ones in the opposition who did not boycott the debate.

MK Walid Taha went up to the plenum to present the bill, and in his opening remarks welcomed the opposition’s decision, except for the joint list, to be absent from the plenary debate. . How much better to live without hatred Poison and incitement. Air is cleaner to breathe. “They will do it every day and continue with their trolls who will not help them in anything,” Taha said.

Taha added: “Terrible, Arab houses are about to be connected to electricity. The head of the opposition who was an accomplice to the oppression of Arab society throughout his tenure comes out with an inciting video that is all lies. For what, against whom? “Their private, yes without a permit because it is simply impossible to issue a permit because no one took care to plan these calculations, to allow them to do what every Jewish citizen does?”

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Taha explained: “A Jew who owns land approaches a planning committee and asks for a building permit. In the Arab sector they do not plan. What solution did they expect? They will not plan and people will not build? Then what will happen? We will go to the sea to commit suicide or stay in tents on the street? “A fool will think that they will neither plan nor be built. It does not connect. The opposition did not like this ‘oppressor’ and went home and for that I congratulate them.”

Taha concluded: “The opposition is doing a trafficking trade on the backs of Arab citizens. As if it is good for someone to have citizens who are pirated from electricity from roof to roof from pillar to pillar. Every year people die from it. If it is your morality then they disrupt you.

Walid Taha discusses the preliminary reading of the Electricity Law (Photo: Knesset Channel)

Earlier today, the Knesset committee approved the discussion of the Electricity Law after the regular agenda of the plenum and to reduce the number of reservations submitted in accordance with section 98 of the Knesset Rules, so that the reasoning of the reservations will continue for about 14 hours, until tomorrow at 08:00. However, if there are no speakers in the plenum who want to explain the reservations, a break will be announced until 08:00 in the morning. At this time a summary will be heard and voting will begin.

The decision provoked harsh reactions in the opposition, which was outraged that the decision to shorten the hearing and activate the special clause to reduce the number of reservations of the opposition was made, according to the opposition, contrary to the committee’s spokesperson, who said it was a problematic decision. Yitzhak Pindros announced that he did not participate in the vote and not even a cent of the Knesset members said, “You are a bunch of brats and crooks from your place in prison.”

Later, the opposition issued an unequivocal statement that they would boycott the debate in the plenum: “Members and members of the opposition will not participate in this show,” the Likud party said. It was also reported that opposition leader Netanyahu will convene the leaders of the opposition parties tomorrow for an emergency discussion on the issue.

MK Pindros attacks the coalition: “Scams and crooks, your place in prison” (Photo: Knesset Channel)

On behalf of the opposition leaders, it was reported: “Today something fell in the Knesset of Israel. For the first time in the history of the Knesset, the Knesset committee made a decision contrary to the explicit position of the legal adviser and decided on an expedited and unprecedented procedure for approving RAAM’s Electricity Law.”

In order to silence the opposition’s criticism of RAAM’s Electricity Law, which prepares for the looting of state lands by Arab construction of tens of thousands of illegal structures, the coalition revoked the opposition’s right to reason and vote on any reservations it submitted and even scheduled a debate on additional laws on Wednesday. “In contrast to an explicit agreement with Knesset Speaker Miki Levy. It’s all out of submission to the Islamic Movement’s dictate that the enactment of the law will end by tomorrow.”

“A precedent that has not been seen in all the years of the Knesset will mean that from now on any coalition will be able to silence any opposition in any law and any debate, while completely ignoring the explicit position of the Knesset’s legal adviser.

“This is a new record and the last breaking of the rule that remains from a long tradition in the Knesset, after the coalition passed a huge Norwegian law that stopped the presence of ministers in the Knesset, took from the opposition the representation it deserves in Knesset committees, set up committees for political needs and unilaterally changed Knesset regulations.” .

“The Knesset thus became superfluous, without any possibility of holding substantive debates and in a way that fatally harms Israeli democracy.

Netanyahu against the Electricity Law

The coalition administration said in response to the opposition statement: “This is the same opposition that made anyone who disagrees with it illegitimate. This is the same opposition that when the investigations began, made the police illegitimate. This is the same opposition that when the prosecutor decided to file an indictment, made it illegitimate. This is the same opposition that when the trial began, made the judicial system illegitimate.

“This is the same opposition that when it lost the majority in the Knesset, made the Legislature illegitimate. This is the same opposition that its chairman distributes a video in English, which severely harms the State of Israel and its institutions. This is the same opposition boycotting Knesset committees The Knesset, the meetings of agreements that are customary with the heads of the coalition and regularly disparages and slanders the Speaker of the Knesset. “

“This is the same opposition that made the paralysis and harm to the citizens of Israel a goal, which has long since become the opposition to the State of Israel. We will continue to put the work for the public above everything. We will continue to call on members of the opposition to return to work “.


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