deep humanitarian and human rights crisis

by time news

2023-08-15 15:28:16

On the second anniversary of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, the ONG World Vision has issued an urgent appeal to the international community to help millions of Afghans facing a serious humanitarian crisis, especially famine.

World Vision’s director in Afghanistan, Asuntha Charles, has highlighted that the number of people requiring humanitarian assistance has risen from 24.4 to 29.2 million, with around 15 million estimated to face critical levels of food insecurity this year. , with 2.7 million in the “emergency” category.

Charles has pointed to the worrying reduction in international support for Afghanistan, with a decrease of 746 million over the course of the year. Despite this challenge, the organization is committed to staying in the country and supporting Afghan children at risk.

According to Charles, many are on the brink of starvation and need support to meet basic needs and the fundamental right to life. The current crisis is the result of decades of conflict, the effects of climate change and a dysfunctional economy.

World Vision has provided essential humanitarian aid, including sanitation, hygiene and food, to more than 1.1 million people in vulnerable situations. Among them are more than 605,000 women and girls, as well as more than 557,000 children. Despite Taliban-imposed restrictions on the organizations’ work, World Vision has continued to reach out to those who desperately need it.

August 15 marks the second anniversary of the sudden takeover of Kabul in 2021 by the Taliban. Since then, the Taliban have implemented restrictive policies, including denying women and girls access to education, which has been condemned by the international community. In the midst of this critical situation, World Vision urges action and support to address the humanitarian crisis affecting millions in Afghanistan.

He United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) It has been denouncing for months that millions of people in Afghanistan are suffering from hunger and misery due to factors such as the prolonged conflict, drought, economic collapse and extreme winter temperatures.

Despite having gone through various crises over time, the current situation in Afghanistan is one of the most severe.

With a total population of 24 million in the country, around 5.7 million Afghans and their host communities need support in neighboring countries. UNHCR and its partners are working tirelessly to provide essential humanitarian assistance and relief to these affected populations.

The situation highlights the urgency of effectively addressing the critical needs of the Afghan population amid this difficult juncture.

The UN has been urging the Taliban to restore the “dignity” and “rights” of Afghan women and girls. Farhan Haq, the deputy spokesperson for the UN Secretary General, has stressed the importance of Afghan women and girls regaining their rights and dignity.

Haq has expressed concern about apparent setbacks in the past two years, which have led to a distancing from fundamental human rights for Afghans. In addition, Haq stressed that these developments are moving the country away from the development that corresponds to it compared to other nations.

In view of this, the spokesperson has reiterated the need for a united front at the international level and has urged those who have influence and direct channels of communication to use them on behalf of Afghan women and girls.

From the social network Twitter UN Human Rights reminds “the authorities of their obligation to defend the rights of all people without discrimination” and assures that they remain “deeply concerned about the human rights situation, in particular about the severe restrictions imposed on women and girls.”

The UN seeks joint action to protect the rights and well-being of these women and girls at a critical time for the country. The international organization makes a called the Taliban to reverse the situation and allow women and girls full access to education, health care and participation in society, in line with universal principles of human rights and gender equality.

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