How does personalized medicine help in the fight against cancer?

by time news

2023-08-16 01:00:08

According to the WHO, cancer causes almost 10 million deaths each year.
The INEGI affirms that malignant tumors are responsible for 9% of the total deaths registered in Mexico.
Personalized medicine is one of the newest tools in the treatment of various neoplasms.

Five years ago the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced a historic event. For the first time, it authorized a gene therapy for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in certain pediatric and young adult patients. Thus began the era of personalized medicine against serious and life-threatening diseases.

This fact changed the landscape of cancer because personalizing therapies have generated better results in patients. In this sense, communication also became a critical factor to accelerate the knowledge of these and above all to promote a greater implementation of innovative personalized therapies in government systems.

Even with this acceleration from the field of marketing and communication in the Mexican pharmaceutical industry, an unprecedented opportunity is looming to have a greater momentum by forging alliances that transcend barriers and transform the narrative surrounding this condition.

The report “Personalized medicine for cancer treatment: So close and so far” by the LLYC Healthcare team, highlights the urgent need to establish strong collaborations between authorities, organizations and companies to accelerate the adoption of cutting-edge medicines in the treatment of cancer. While research and development of innovative therapies is at its peak, there is a significant gap between these advances and their availability to patients who need them.

Tips for new outreach campaigns

Based on the lessons learned from marketing strategies in Mexico, Luis AnayaSenior Director of Healthcare Northern Region at LLYC, shares five essential tips for pharmaceutical companies seeking to play a transformative role in the fight against cancer.

1. Humanize Science

The science behind treatments can be complex, but successful communication involves turning that adversity into an accessible and humane message. It is essential to translate scientific language into terms understandable to patients and their families. Using stories from real patients who have experienced significant improvements from treatments can humanize the experience and provide a sense of hope and emotional connection.

2. Personalize Education and Empowerment

Knowledge is power, and in the fight against cancer, access to accurate and up-to-date information is crucial. Pharmaceutical companies can play an active role by providing clear and reliable educational resources, based on a greater understanding of the needs of patients. Creating online platforms with verified information about different types of cancer, treatment options, and preventative measures can empower patients and their loved ones to make informed decisions about their health.

3. Transparency and Responsibility

Trust is an invaluable asset in the pharmaceutical industry. Companies must maintain a high level of transparency in their communication, sharing accurate information about the effectiveness, side effects, and availability of treatments. This contributes to building strong and lasting relationships with physicians, patients, and the community at large.

4. Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

The fight against cancer is not a battle that can be fought alone. Collaboration between different actors, including pharmaceutical companies, doctors, non-profit organizations and health authorities, is essential. By establishing strategic alliances, pharmaceutical companies can amplify their impact and reach a broader audience. Effective communication between these stakeholders ensures that resources and information flow efficiently.

5. Cultural Sensitivity and Location

Mexico is a diverse and multicultural nation, and effective communication must take these differences into account. Pharmaceutical companies must adapt their messages and strategies to the cultural and linguistic sensitivities of different regions of Mexico. Localization of content and campaigns can ensure that messages are relevant and resonate with diverse communities.

Also read:

Personalized medicine and holistic care in cancer patients

Mexican influencer with terminal cancer publishes a video on TikTok as a farewell

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