Positive at Covid in Serie A, Juventus-Naples and Salernitana-Venice at risk- time.news

by time news
from Guido De Carolis

The Serie A League does not want postponements, but the situation worsens, there are 80 positive players at Covid. The Salerno Ats has already blocked the team, that of Naples could do the same

No postponements, he reiterates the Serie A league. Although the wave of Covid and the increase in positives, more than 80 players, there is no intention to suspend the matches on January 6, the first return day. Of the 20 teams tonight Lazio was the only one to have no cases, the others must all deal with players and staff members affected by the coronavirus. The League does not change its mind, the risk of not playing some games, including Juve-Napoli, concrete as to distort the championship, in check of the local Ats.

Not only footballers get sick. Covid hit the technician Luciano Spalletti. Napoli decimated for the away match against Juve. Six players with the virus: Mario Rui, Malcuit, Osimhen, Lozano, Elmas and Boffelli della Primavera. The bianconeri are little better off: Chiellini, Arthur, De Winter and Pinsoglio are out. The game could be in jeopardy. The Turin Ats has made it known that there is no focus on the race, that of Naples must express itself and could decide to block the away match, as it already happened in the last championship.

The most difficult situation of Salernitana with 11 positives, 9 footballers and two staff members. The local ASL intervened, blocked the club expected from the home game against Venezia. In fact, the whole group in quarantine, a total of 25 people. The Campania team unable to show up at the Arechi stadium for the challenge scheduled for Thursday. It would be the second match, after the one against Udinese, that the Salerno jumps due to the blocking of the local health authority. He asked for a postponement to the Lega Calcio, if he does not grant it, he will proceed with the 0-3 at the table. The club will then be able to appeal to the sports judge and, if he is right as happened in Napoli against Juventus, the match will be replayed on another date.

In general, the League does not want to grant postponements, complying with a request means creating a precedent and upsetting a compressed calendar, with no windows for recoveries. the same principle that led to confirm the Italian Super Cup final on January 12, despite Inter and Juventus they agreed to postpone. There Salerno risks missing the match against Venezia on Thursday and the away match in Verona on Sunday. The Giallobl, however, live in a similar situation, with an outbreak of 8 positive players plus two staff members. Tudor’s team must be in La Spezia on Thursday, the ASL will decide whether to quarantine everyone and block the match. Wait for the decisions of the ASL too Udinese, hit by 9 cases (7 players and 2 staff members): the trip to Florence in the balance. So far Milan had escaped, but the Rossoneri recorded the positivity of the goalkeeper Tatarusanu and then later, also that of another player. Former Gigio Donnarumma also contracted the virus, like PSG teammates Messi and Pereira.

Torino canceled the training, another round of swabs is expected on Wednesday morning: 5 positives plus two from the staff, Atalanta, Thursday’s opponent, has two. The list is being updated and destined to grow, many races are to be considered in the balance, it is impossible to predict the decisions of the various Ats. Games who can the stable order. The only good news that there are no serious cases: in Serie A over 98% of footballers vaccinated.

January 4, 2022 (change January 4, 2022 | 21:50)

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