the cost of childcare, by department

by time news

2023-08-16 06:00:23

How much does babysitting cost? Parents looking to get an idea should expect long evenings of research on the Internet…

The case is complex: it is necessary to compare individual and collective childcare methods with very different logics and prices, to take into account financial aid, tax credits, social security contributions, etc. Everything varies according to the childcare arrangements, but also according to the family’s situation (income, composition, etc.) and the place where they live.

An annual barometer can provide benchmarks, that of the Home Employment Observatory; it lists the average costs by department for parent employers. L’2023 edition was released on July 12.

Average net hourly wage of the maternal assistant in the last quarter of 2022: 3.78 euros per child welcomed, indicates the barometer – a figure up 2.4% over one year. “However, it varies a lot depending on the location, from 3.20 euros in Orne or Sarthe to 4.70 euros in Reunion, a difference of 47%”specifies Zied Chaker, in charge of studies and evaluation of public policies of this observatory, which depends on the Federation of private employers of France (Fepem).

Besides Reunion, the most expensive departments are Haute-Corse (4.60 euros), Corse-du-Sud (4.50 euros), Alpes-Maritimes, Bouches-du-Rhône, Var, Hauts-de-Seine and Guyana (4.40 euros).

These averages are based on salary data provided by Urssaf. The strongest increases over one year were observed in French Guiana, Reunion and Sarthe (+4.5%), the weakest in Haute-Loire (0%) and in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence ( +0.2%).

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“The differences are explained by the interplay of supply and demand, and we are beginning in certain departments, in particular overseas, in the South and in the West, to note the beginning of a shortage of childminders , mainly due to retirements”analyzes Marie-Béatrice Levaux, president of Fepem.

Rising tax credit

The average net hourly wage for home care workers stands at 10.07 euros, up 4.2% over one year. Creuse has the lowest average, 9.10 euros, Ain the highest, 10.60 euros. The largest increases occurred in Eure (+7.1%), Sarthe (7.2%) and Haute-Marne (7.6%). Home care, also called “home nanny”, works with the parents, while the childminder works at his or her own home.

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