MSP provided more than 600,000 mental health services in the first half of 2023 – Ministry of Public Health

by time news

2023-08-16 14:35:57

Quito, August 16, 2023

Mariana (protected name), 60 years old, lives in Guayaquil and was a victim of domestic violence for decades, which caused states of stress and chronic anxiety. Her health was complicated when she found out that one of her children used drugs, who also developed episodes of schizophrenia.

Two years ago, Mariana decided to seek professional advice at the Monte Sinai Hospital of the Ministry of Public Health (MSP). Currently, she and her son are subsequently treated by the psychology and psychiatry services.

“When I got to the hospital, I felt very bad, I had suicidal thoughts. I felt shame and fear. I didn’t dare seek help until I hit rock bottom. Thank God, during a crisis, they brought me to the hospital in times of pandemic and since then I have regular medical appointments with the psychologist and psychiatrist”, says Mariana, who appreciates the intervention of the MSP professionals.

At the national level, this State portfolio offers mental health services and comprehensive health care to people with problematic alcohol and other drug use in 468 health establishments, at its three levels of care.

The first level, which covers 80% coverage of the population, focuses on Ambulatory Care Services in 281 units and Intensive Ambulatory Services in 63 health units. At the second level, there are Hospital Mental Health Units in 111 hospitals that provide these services and at the third level, 11 Specialized Centers for the Treatment of people with problematic use of Alcohol and other Drugs (CETAD) and two establishments that are the Julio Endara Specialized Hospital and the San Lázaro Specialized Ambulatory Care Center, in Quito

The National Health System (SNS), made up of institutions from the Comprehensive Public Health Network (RPIS): MSP, IESS, ISSPOL, ISSFA and the Complementary Private Network (RPC) has, as a whole, 1,007 establishments that offer care in mental health.

Guayaquil is one of the cantons with the greatest professional presence to treat mental health cases, the MSP has 83 health centers, five intensive outpatient clinics, eight Hospital Mental Health Units, 17 Crisis Intervention Units and two CETAD.

As of January 2023, it is the first time that Ecuador has a Mental Health Strengthening project, executed by the MSP, with five-year financing of around USD 27 million and which has prioritized the strengthening of human talent. in health services. Currently, the Ministry has 1,265 professionals such as psychologists, psychiatrists, social work, occupational therapy, among others.

In 2023, 179 new mental health professionals, psychologists and psychiatrists, were hired to strengthen these services throughout the national territory. From January to June 2023, nationwide, 608,913 patients were treated for different diagnoses. The most common were neurotic disorders, secondary to stressful situations, psychological development disorder, and epilepsy. In 2022, a total of 1,099,703 patients were treated and 862,600 in 2021.

Likewise, in terms of suicide prevention, so far in 2023, the MSP has provided 4,893 timely care for self-inflicted injuries. During 2022, 3,542 consultations related to youth suicide were made. This means that more people are accessing these services in a timely manner. In addition, 9,332 people from different zones and districts were trained in caring for people with suicidal intent and/or attempts in establishments of the Ministry of Public Health.

In addition, the ministry works on the construction of a suicide prevention strategy articulated in the technical tables that address the problem of suicide with professionals from the MSP and with intersectoral participation with a focus on prevention.

Another modality of attention executed is through the telephone line 171, option 6, for psychological counseling and crisis intervention. 22-year-old Sofía (protected name) was treated in this way. She says that 18 months ago she made an attempt on her life, “thanks to God and to the specialized care I received at the Bastión Popular Health Center, today I am alive,” she said.

This process has been strengthened with the change in the organic statute of the MSP, which allowed the creation of the National Directorate of Strategies for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases, Mental Health and the Socioeconomic Phenomenon of Drugs within the Vice Ministry of Health Governance. , which is in charge of the rectory of the National Health System (SNS), this allows the development of policies and regulations applicable not only to the MSP but with scope to the entire SNS.

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