Is Alzheimer’s more common in women than in men?

by time news

2023-08-16 18:00:13

According to the WHO there are approximately 60 million people living with Alzheimer’s worldwide.
In 2022, the Panoramix video game became the first of its kind capable of identifying the primary signs of this condition.
Maintaining a balanced diet, sleeping well and exercising your memory from a young age are some tips to delay the onset of dementia.

In Mexico it is estimated that there are one million 300 thousand people with the Alzheimer diseaseMostly people over 65 years of age. This form is considered the most common cause of dementia and although everyone is at risk, it has been identified that women are more likely to develop this disease with 70% more cases than men.

According to Alexandra Touroutoglou, who is a neurologist at Mass General Brigham, the answer to this phenomenon is quite complex. He recently gave a presentation to the United Nations Division of Occupational Safety and Health Care Management, in which he discussed his research on memory preservation and brain “aging”.

Alzheimer’s disease risk factors

In the United States, nearly two out of three patients with Alzheimer they are women. Although Dr. Touroutoglou mentions that this figure is misleading. As people age, their risk of dementia increases and Since women have a longer life expectancy, there are more females with this condition.

When men and women of the same age are analysed, it is not clear that women are at greater risk. The specialist affirms that the investigations in this regard are not conclusive. Some studies suggest that there could be differences between men and women in the risk of developing Alzheimer’s due to biology, such as genetic differences or the role of female hormones such as estrogen. However, scientists continue to explore these possibilities.

However, it is clear that there are three main factors that increase the risk of Alzheimer’s dementiaregardless of sex.

Age: Aging is the most important risk factor. Although there is a type of Alzheimer’s that affects people under the age of 65, most people with this condition are older. It affects 17% of people 75 to 84 years old, and 32% of people 85 years or older.
Genetics: Researchers have discovered some genes linked to increased risk. The most important gene identified so far is called APOE-e4.
Family background: People with a parent or sibling with this form of dementia are more likely to develop the disease.

Some of the early signs of Alzheimer’s

Ask the same questions for a short period of time. Lose objects frequently. Difficulty finding words when expressing yourself (trouble remembering words when speaking and writing). Difficulty planning and solving problems. Forgetting to pay bills or forgetting that you bought something and buying it again. Withdraw from social activities. Changes in mood and personality, such as depression or anxiety.

Also read:

Free online courses offered by the UNAM to take care of health: From diabetes to dementia

Panoramix, the first video game that detects signs of Alzheimer’s

Cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s are not the same, what are the differences?

#Alzheimers #common #women #men

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