Rabbis from Religious Zionism Oppose Evacuation of Outposts in the Territories: Letter Published

by time news

Rabbis Oppose Evacuation of Outposts in the Territories, Clash with Finance Minister Smotrich

Rabbis from the religious Zionism movement have published a letter expressing their opposition to the evacuation of outposts in the territories. The letter comes in response to Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich’s recent decision to approve the evacuation of the Aira Shahar outpost in Benjamin, citing it as private Palestinian land.

Minister Smotrich, who also serves as a minister in the Ministry of Defense, justified his decision by stating that it was not possible to regulate the outpost. In briefings with associates and interviews, he emphasized that the outpost was located on private Palestinian land, leading to his order for evacuation.

However, a group of senior rabbis from religious Zionism, some of whom are affiliated with the Otzma Yehudit party while others are associated with Smotrich’s party, disagree with this justification. In a letter published tonight, they appeal for action against the demolition of settlement points throughout Judea and Samaria.

The rabbis argue that the claim that certain settlement points are on “private Arab” lands is misleading. They assert that the designation of “private lands” as a reason for evacuation is a political tool employed by opponents of settlements. The rabbis accuse Smotrich of adopting the terminology of these opponents rather than considering the legal reality of the lands in Judea and Samaria.

While the rabbis do not explicitly mention Smotrich’s name in the letter, their message is clear. The signatories include prominent figures such as Rabbi Dov Lior, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, Rabbi Eliakim Lebanon, and Rabbi Aviner, all of whom Smotrich would prefer to have on his side.

This clash reflects the ongoing tension between those who support and oppose the expansion of settlements in the territories. The debate over the status and ownership of land in Judea and Samaria remains a significant point of contention among different factions in Israeli society. As the dispute continues, it remains to be seen how the government will address the concerns raised by the rabbis and navigate the complexities of settlement policy in the territories.

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