“My mother can’t wake up, come”: a child saves his mother, calling the fire department

by time news

2023-08-17 05:35:10

A “heroic” example of composure. The Yvelines Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (SDIS 78) posted online Monday afternoon an excerpt from an emergency call received on July 13 at the operational center of the fire brigade. At the end of the line, a boy game of “7 and a half years old”, worried about his mother who seems to have felt unwell at home. “Hello, my mother can’t wake up. Come… (he gives his address)”, immediately indicates the child on the telephone.

Without panicking, it very quickly provides the essential information to help the operator. “How old is your mom? he asks her. ” 34 years old. “Is it a house or an apartment?” “A house,” continues the little boy, keeping his composure. The online firefighter then continues to guide the child, telling him what to do while waiting for help. “Can you put your mum on your back or not please?” he asks on the phone as the little boy tries to wake up his mother, without success.

“Shout loudly in his ear: Mom! asks the agent. The child complies, before asking him “Mom, are you okay? “. Without answer. “Put her on her back please,” the operator then asks her. Without apparent difficulty, the little boy manages to put his mother on her back. “Can you put your ear next to his nose and tell me if there’s air coming out of his nose?” continues the firefighter. “Yes, there’s air coming out of his nose,” he replies, still coolly.

“It’s very good what you did”

Then, the firefighter on the line asks the child to put his mother in the lateral safety position (PLS). ” Can we [maintenant] try to put mom on the side? You put it on his shoulder (…). It’s as if she was sleeping, but on the side, ”he explains to her. ” It’s good ! assures the child, before indicating on the phone that his little sister of 4 and a half years is at his side. Finally, the operator asks the little boy to go find a neighbor while waiting for help to arrive. “It’s very good what you did,” he assures her.

A few seconds later, a neighbor continues the conversation with the firefighter on the line. “Is she conscious or not?” asks the operator. “No, her eyes are closed. “Is she breathing?” Can you put your hands on his stomach? continues the firefighter. “Yes, she breathes”, assures the neighbor. “You leave her in PLS. You watch her, the firefighters arrive. Once the firefighters are there, you can congratulate his son. I think it’s thanks to him. Congratulate him from us, it’s very good what he did, ”says the rescuer, visibly touched, before hanging up.

It was Florian Boubet, 28, who contacted the child on the phone. LP/Merwan Mehadji

At the end of the line, with the firefighters, is Florian Boubet. At 28, he is a firefighter at the Maurepas barracks and a volunteer operator at Versailles – it is in this capacity that he responds that day. “I was lucky to have the call of a serene child, who takes it almost like a game. I adapted my dialogue with him, I took a calm tone, and I congratulated him on each gesture made. “, he tells the Parisian, admitting that” it does not often happen (to him) to have children on the phone “.

“I didn’t realize during the call but once it was over, I realized that he was 7 years old and that it was extraordinary”, says the firefighter today. If the child was heroic, so was the firefighter, with his calm. “If we are stressed, we cannot save time in sending help. So no stress for me but a great relief to have been able to send help quickly. »

“Heroic and remarkable” behavior

For the SDIS which shared this extract, this exchange serves as an example. “The child gives essential information to the operator and performs the first rescue actions”, indicates the departmental service on the X platform (formerly Twitter). The excerpt, very moving, has since caused a lot of reaction on social networks. For his part, the prefect of Yvelines also praised the “heroic and remarkable” behavior of the child.

“Thanks to the composure of this little boy who followed the instructions of the operator, the mother was able to be put in the lateral safety position (PLS) before the arrival of the firefighters”, observes the prefecture, which thanks the work “operators specially trained to listen to people in distress”. With Le Parisien, Florian Boubet notes: “If I had one piece of advice to give to parents, it would be: train all your children like this, because the danger is with everyone, if tomorrow it happens to you and you are alone with your child, it may be he who can save you. »

As a reminder, in the event of an emergency, you can contact the fire brigade by dialing 18, the police by dialing 17 and the Samu by dialing 15. It is also possible to dial 116 117 to reach a general practitioner on duty in an emergency. .

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