Candidates for the Assembly for Chimborazo

by time news

2023-08-16 17:34:38

For the elections on August 20, there are twelve lists of candidates for the Assembly, and Chimborazo must elect 4 representatives.

Maria Fernanda Araujo

“I have responsibility as a citizen”
Former president of the Council of the Judiciary in Chimborazo, María Fernanda Araujo is the candidate for the National Democratic Alliance (ADN) made up of the political organization Pueblo, Igualdad, Democracia list 4 and 34, its presidential ceiling is with the presidential candidates Daniel Noboa and Verónica Abbot. This is the first time that she has entered an election, she is a lawyer by profession and a public official, and has also worked on social issues with international organizations.

Fernando Barreno

“We will promote tourism”
Barreno is a well-known person within Riobamba, since he was a former councilor and now he is committed to the National Assembly. This time he tries again with the political organization Renovación lista 61. Within his political participation, he was also a councilor for the ‘Sultana’ during the administration of former mayor Napoleón Cadena. During his administration, he supported the construction of the Maguazo-Alao transfer project, which promised that it would provide 24-hour drinking water to the entire city.

Manuela Daquilema

“They will work for communities and cities”
A native of Colta, Manuela Daquilema is the one who heads the list of the Alianza Claro que se puede (Movimiento Somos agua, Partido Socialista Ecuatoriano and Democracia Sí). In this case, if you have a presidential candidate who is Yaku Pérez and Nory Pinela. This candidate in the February 5 elections ran as a candidate for the Council for Citizen Participation and Social Control (CPCCS). Her work has been to empower citizens; she has been involved in the Ecuarunari and worked in the Assembly.

Patricia Núñez

“Proposes laws to improve security”
Núñez was already an assembly member for Chimborazo when the Legislature was dissolved due to the ‘cross death’, for the second time he participates with the Citizen Revolution, list 5 that has its candidates for the Presidency with Luisa González and Andrés Arauz, being immersed in the field of the Assembly is aware of bills that were left halfway. During the time they worked as assembly members, she was part of the Sovereignty, Integration and Integral Security commission.

Nelson Rivera

“I would reform the COIP so that there is security”
From Licán and his wife from Colta, Nelson Rivera launched the candidacy for the National Assembly with the Amauta Yuyay political movement, he does not have a presidential roof, but the current prefect of the province Hermel Tayupanda is from this same organization. In his words, he said that he collaborated in the administration with the prefect. He was a migrant and spent several years in Milan, Italy. In his career, he has worked in the social area with a foundation in which he collaborated during the pandemic.

Carmen Tiupul

“Bet for the rights of nature”
Former vice president of the Confederation of the Chimborazo Indigenous Movement (Comich), she was imprisoned during the October 2019 mobilizations, was a former candidate for the province’s prefecture in the sectional elections on February 5 and adviser to the current mayor John Vinueza. Tiupul is now the candidate of the alliance between Pachakutik and Reto listed 33 to reach a seat in the National Assembly. A few days ago she received the support of Comich. She will fight for labor rights, access to education.

Glenda Ortega

He promised three things: “peace, money and progress”
Young, mother and engineer in Environmental Biotechnology. Glenda Ortega is the candidate of the Alianza Actuemos (of the political organizations: Avanza lista 8 and Suma lista 23) whose presidential candidates are Otto Sonnenholzer and Erika Paredes. In her public appearances, she says that in addition to supervising and legislating, she agrees to sit down with the 10 mayors and the prefect, as well as with the private sector. Within her career, she has been a public official serving as Undersecretary of Cultural Heritage.

Carlos Paul Aulla Llerena

“I have the need to participate because of the crisis”
Carlos Paúl Aulla Llerena is the first time he has ventured into the world of politics. He is a lawyer in free practice and ran as a candidate for the political organization Construye, list 25, his presidential candidate is Christian Zurita, replacing the assassinated Fernando Villavicencio and Andrea González Nader for the Vice Presidency. For the elections, Aulla Llerena is the one who heads the list of assembly members for Chimborazo. Serrano, Flores and Granizo are his companions for these elections.

david guacho

“From the first day I will go in to inspect”
Guacho has already participated in politics in the sectional elections as a candidate for mayor of Colta. For the elections on August 20, he tries again as a candidate for the National Assembly to occupy one of the four positions to represent the province. He does not have a presidential candidate and is part of the Minga 100 list movement, he considers himself an official activist. The issue because the one who will work as a legislator is that of security, as well as that of control.

Gilberth Llerena

“We will propose that women work 6 hours”
Involved in the world of education Llerena comes from the rural parish of Químiag. In an interview on a radio station in the city, he explained about the danger of young people today and proposed that if they reach a seat in the Assembly “we will propose that women work 6 hours” he also recognized the work of women. The candidate does not have a presidential candidate and in his foray into politics he does so with the political organization Cambio lista 62, his alternate is Josephe Masson.

Jorge Morocho

Morocho is a lawyer by profession and was a former councilor for the canton. During his tenure that ended on May 14 of this year, he spoke out for the equitable distribution of the budget for the 11 rural parishes of Riobamba and took action in the State Comptroller General’s Office. for alleged irregularities in the construction of the transfer of the Maguazo-Alao project. This time he participates with the Centro Democrático political organization and does not have a presidential candidate either.

Nydia Narvaez

“Safety, health and education, its 3 axes”
A child psychologist by profession, she is a new person who is starting in the world of local politics, her presidential roof is Jan Topic and Diana Jácome, for the Alliance for a country without fear (Social Christian Party, list 6; Patriotic Society Party, list 3 and Democratic Center list 1). Her contact with her people knows closely the realities of people who have suffered some type of violence, aspects that have motivated her to transform and start in the political sphere.

#Candidates #Assembly #Chimborazo

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