Latin America united by Universal Health Coverage – Ministry of Public Health

by time news

2023-08-17 16:51:34

Quito, August 16, 2023

How do we advance with Universal Health Coverage and how to involve civil society and people living with Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)?, were the basic questions for the development of the discussion organized by the Healthy America Coalition (CLAS).

José Ruales, Minister of Public Health, was part of the group of invited panelists for the webinar, which also included Armando De Negri Filho, PAHO/WHO Mexico specialist, Carolina Goic, Executive Director of the National Cancer Forum Foundation of Chile; Alicia Ferreira Maia from Uruguay. The meeting was moderated by Juan Nuñez, coordinator of the México Salud-Hable Coalition.

In his speech, Minister José Ruales pointed out that Ecuador works collectively and adds efforts with various actors at the local, regional and global level for a fairer and more equitable health. He referred to the right to comprehensive health that is guaranteed in the country, as well as the care model and free of charge. In addition, he added that the current ministerial management intervened in three aspects, politics, public, structure and programs and projects for NCDs. A public policy model was defined that includes intervention on inequalities in access to health care

Regarding the Ten-Year Health Plan (PDS) 2022-203, he mentioned that it is a public policy that has five fundamental pillars that were built through dialogue and coordination between health professionals, academics, communities, among others.

Disease prevention is another essential factor that the institution leads to reduce the avoidable mortality rate and prevent increased morbidity from non-communicable diseases, maternal death, detect and control high blood pressure and diabetes.

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