by time news

2023-08-17 18:08:51

30% of the domestic workers that operated in Catalonia until last January did so without a contract of work. In other words, they did not have any right or protection associated with registering with Social Security, such as the possibility of taking a baja if they fell ill or take a paid vacation.

But as of January 1 of this year, all employers who have or hire a domestic worker must compulsorily register it with Social Security, by virtue of the law passed in September of last year.

From that day on, domestic workers contribute to the General Regime, have the right to receive unemployment benefits and subsidies and, if they meet the requirements, to access the Social Security contributory pension system, that is, receive a retirement pension .

own tasks

But what about the masters of the house? What about those people who take care of their own household chores and take care of children or parents or grandparents, regardless of whether or not their partner or spouse works outside the home?

The truth is that these people do not payTherefore, they do not generate the right to receive unemployment benefits and subsidies.

However, the Spanish pension system allows them to collect a non-contributory benefit if they meet a series of requirements.


To begin with, the person who works as a housewife should not be entitled to a contributory retirement pension, for not having contributed the minimum period. And then, you must have compliments 65 yearsmust be Spanish citizen or have legal residence in Spain and must have income less than 6,784.54 euros per year.

If the income or personal income is greater than said amount and you live with more family members, it will be understood that the income requirement is met when the sum of the income or annual income of all the members of the cohabitation unit is less than the established amounts.

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For example, if you live only with your spouse, legal partner and/or second-degree blood relatives, the amounts to access will be the following:

If there are two cohabitants, the sum of income or income must be equal to or less than 11,533.72 euros.

If there are three cohabitants, 16,282.90 euros.

For four cohabitants or more: 21,032.08 euros.

The non-contributory pension can oscillate between the full one -which is 484.61 euros per month or, what is the same, those 6,784.54 euros per year -14 payments- and the minimum, set at 121.15 euros per month ( equivalent to 1,696.14 euros per year). The amount will depend on the income of the applicant.


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