Radiologist stabs IMSS nurse for a jealous attack

by time news

2023-08-18 02:00:06

Social Security was created on January 19, 1943.
It currently has a staff made up of just over 146,000 nurses and more than 84,000 doctors.
The attack against the nurse occurred in the dining room of IMSS Clinic No. 39 located in Apodaca, Nuevo León.

Personal relationships in health professionals are necessary, although limits must always be established. Otherwise, serious incidents may occur, such as what happened with a nurse from the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS). A situation of excessive jealousy left her hospitalized and so far her prognosis is reserved.

Although it is not a general rule, Sanitary workers regularly have romantic relationships with people from their own profession. In part, everything is caused by the schedule that prevails between doctors and nurses. Most live long hours that prevent them from meeting people from other fields.

Only in the case of Medicine students, during their internship they must comply with 36-hour shifts in the hospital. At the end of each one, they end up so tired that they just want to rest and don’t feel like doing other activities or meeting people from other professions.

IMSS nurse lives a dangerous toxic relationship

Now, regardless of the circumstances, physical and verbal aggressions are never justified. Unfortunately, a case of this type occurred to the 39-year-old nurse Yuri C., who was inside the IMSS Clinic No. 39 in Apodaca, Nuevo Leónwhere he works

Based on what was reported by the Excelsior newspaper the young woman was in the dining area while enjoying her food. Suddenly, she was surprised by her partner, who is a radiologist, and took out a knife to attack her.

After about 15 stab wounds, the assailant left her and began to attack himself in a attempt to commit suicide. At that moment, other health workers who were in the dining room approached and managed to detain them until the security elements arrived.

According to the investigation, the radiologist belongs to another IMSS clinic. Thanks to his credential, he was able to easily enter the nurse’s hospital without being searched and commit the crime. While the reason that he triggered the event was a fit of jealousy.

How are you both?

After the incident, both health workers were transferred to other hospitals to receive specialized medical care. In the case of the nurse, it is reported that her condition is delicate and she has a reserved prognosis.

Regarding the attacker, his injuries are minor and he is in a hospital under police custody. Now it is expected that he will be released so that he can be transferred to a court and continue with the investigation for the crime of attempted murder. Although if the victim’s condition worsens, even the aggression could be reclassified as femicide.

Also read:

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#Radiologist #stabs #IMSS #nurse #jealous #attack

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