The surprise was not Puigdemont

by time news

2023-08-18 02:04:00

In the end, the surprise was not given by Puigdemont, but by Vox. So much speeding up time by pretending to be interesting to end up voting for what was foreseeable. Meanwhile, those of Abascal, silently and without feigning urgency, stood out and voted for their own candidate. Result: the PP candidate was left with a cow’s face watching trains pass before those 139 votes compared to Francina Armengol’s 178. Which is not the same as being only six, as they would have been if they had not taken for granted that Vox’s votes were safe in exchange for nothing, for their pretty face and nothing else, and they would have secured that (essential) support. The good thing about this surprising change is that it defuses the general (and unpleasant) feeling that the Table of Congress has decided on a fugitive: the fugitive and his support were expendable today. So the underlying message is twofold. On the one hand, the independentistas know that they lose influence due to this lack of understanding on the right. Their support is worth less today than it was yesterday, since they are not needed to stay ahead of the PP, even if it has already been paid for at the price of gold. On the other, those of Feijóo can now activate the opposition mode if they castle in entrusting the necessary support of the Abascal formation to their irresistible offer of total free. The less understanding with Vox, the investiture options for Feijóo increase their tendency to zero.

But although it seems that in this casino the bank always wins, today Vox has kicked the limping leg of this table (of Congress). With this, they have not only shown that, unlike ERC and JuntsxCat, they do not bluff. And this is important information for the PSOE, which already knows that it will be able to do whatever it wants because, as long as it stays there, they will follow the example of Podemos (may it rest in peace) and will sulk a lot and gesticulate more to do nothing later. . It also forces Feijóo to define himself in his relationship with them. You will have to choose between continuing to be stubborn in despising them and isolating yourself, unable to dialogue and agree with anyone to buy into the argumentative framework imposed on you by the most sectarian left, or stop holding complexes and assume that the bloc on the right has as much legitimacy as the one on the left. to establish democratic alliances. The first option is disastrous as a political decision, because this division grants extra power to a government that, if formed, seems to be in vassalage and that, otherwise, would have to face an opposition bloc powerful enough to each vote was necessary to agree to all the groups that support it. One, moreover, with control in the Senate, governing in 12 autonomous communities and that has wrested control from the PSOE in some of its fiefdoms. Feijóo’s PP cannot afford to oppose the PSOE and its henchmen and Vox at the same time. In fact, you cannot afford to continue, at times, opposing yourself. Like today, without going any further.

The only thing that has become clear, then, is that Feijóo is not given the numbers. And it does not seem like the best of ideas to put the King in the difficult situation of, on behalf of a majority at the polls but with a lack of support, presenting him as a candidate for an impossible investiture. The only option at the moment is Sánchez. And the separatists have already rushed, I warn sailors, to point out that what was being negotiated today was the Table and that the investiture is something else. They have lacked a “look what has happened to Feijóo and put yours to soak.” By the way, Rufián’s little face was priceless when the press insisted that he specify what the commitment made by Sánchez really was, that, beyond continuing to be open to continuing to be receptive to persisting in dialogue to reach something at some point, He has not specified much more in relation to that so pompous that they have come to call “dejudicialization of the conflict”. When he realized, when verbalizing it, that the commitment in that was none, the amnesty, the referendum and the languages co-officials in Parliament have known little. “I understand that it seems insufficient to some,” said the creature, saying it to himself, before sulking and leaving, Ruffian Style, and in that he was wrong: it doesn’t seem insufficient to us, it seems excessive to us. Because we know what a satrap is capable of when his power depends on servitude and blackmail, although the views, facing the gallery and euphemism by means of progressivism and dialogue.

#surprise #Puigdemont

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