Letters to Quito / August 10, 2023

by time news

2023-08-10 07:05:00

The power of a line

I meditated at dawn, when it was still dark, a scandalous silence enveloped me that allowed me to analyze in a cold and leisurely way how geopolitics acts even in the most remote point of the planet; and how my Homeland, unique, rich, often controversial, but full of opportunities and generous and noble people, is also affected to the point of bleeding it dry and even losing hope.

Once again, as in 1999, we see hundreds of people from all walks of life migrating as a way of fleeing due to the economic crisis induced by the rapacious neoliberal system, but with the aggravating factor of the deadly insecurity of organized crime, entrenched and allowed even in the institutions of the State. Insecurity that has claimed valuable lives not only from politicians, but also from collateral victims. Women, men, girls and boys whose loss due to a projectile has torn apart families and society as a whole.

The country now faces real enemies that must be forcefully defeated at the polls, one is the National Electoral Council, which genuflects to the current government and through it to financial interests of Corporations that profit from the countries’ natural resources; Another lethal enemy is a sector of the population, which, moved by an alarming inferiority complex, allows themselves to be carried away by the corrupt and manipulative Press, votes for options that are counterproductive to their realities, being sectors hit by anti-popular policies of neoliberal governments, they vote for these options to feel part of the elites driven by their low self-esteem.

Beautiful coincidence in the month of August!

Remembering our Historiography we find an interesting simile; Quito August 10, 1809, political tactical action executes the first libertarian action in Latin America, from oppressive colonialism; now August 20, 2023, popular elections will give us independence from the slavery of rapacious neoliberalism, which has us mired in fear, insecurity, poverty and hopelessness.

Voters on this occasion cannot have contemplations when voting at election time. We cannot risk the lives of our families, we cannot surrender our jobs to extortion, the misnamed vaccine. We must not place security, health, education, or our dreams in the hands of improvised opportunists.

Let’s raise awareness that we have power in a line, by marking our vote, we have the constitutional power to eradicate transnational organized crime, to set the course towards peace that allows progress and equity, a libertarian line on the way to dignified lives. Tracing a line that leads us to progress and to return to having national pride.

Pedro Pablo Jijón Ochoa

Bukele is or is not an alternative for Ecuador

The President of El Salvador Nayib Bukele is the best-known Ruler, not only in Latin America and the Caribbean, but even in several European countries for having come to “control the challenges” of groups as dangerous as the Maras, who managed to take a stand “a good part of the country” implementing their own rules of justice and experience.

In Ecuador many admire him for his “frontal fight” against crime, terrorism and drug trafficking, but several also criticize him “openly” for the violation of human rights, because they start from the fact that the actions of the Government always disrespect them, forgetting that such perks belong to “all citizens” and not only to criminals, perhaps because the crimes committed have never affected the families of those who criticize him. But the position of orphans who have lost their parents, their children or their spouses, despite being unrelated to crime and drug trafficking, is different.

That phrase that “it is preferable to have a guilty person free, than an innocent prisoner”, is no longer applicable in those cases in which “everyone is contaminated”, without exception, due to their poverty; for the income from illegal activities or even for collecting a mistake made by another gang. As the philosopher José Ingenieros says: “the greatest obstacle to the progress of the peoples is the fossilization of the laws, because if the social reality varies, it is necessary that they experience correlative variations.” And we are in that time.

Trials are required to be “personal and not collective”, but at the same time it is criticized that prisoners are held for a long time, without justification because their defenders maintain that it is necessary to “start from their innocence” and not that they are guilty, a priori, since they may be innocent, which will only be known of course, after the investigations carried out by the Attorney General’s Office and not before

In the case of Ecuador, I do not believe that we should “keep waiting” for the crimes to end, if no one fights criminals and drug traffickers wisely and harshly as in Brazil, where the death of a policeman who was only patrolling the streets of a neighborhood , was riddled with bullets, forcing the gendarmes to “confront the criminals” in their shelters, unfortunately, with the death of several members of the gang.

As the Governor of Sao Paulo says, the policemen react “from the moment they are harassed and will continue to do so”; and no one criticizes the Lula da Silva government, which is by no means a right-wing government. The unfortunate thing is that in our country, the President “is already dead” but we must avoid reaching the situation of insecurity in El Salvador, where more than 72,000 “criminal gangs” have been arrested in one year.

Ivan Escobar Cisneros.

Being President for what and with what?

The role of the CNE is to be an employment agency for the most important position in the country THE PRESIDENCY OF THE REPUBLIC, the CNE does not ask candidates for their resumes, we only know that they ride a bicycle or play a musical instrument, that they dance in the pallet. The code of democracy has destroyed democracy, it has allowed parties to rent, to atomize the candidacies to be elected by a small percentage, with a herd of sheep who believe that the State should maintain them. The CNE has allowed the parties to be rented. We don’t know what the rental value is? This is not free, there is no control of campaign expenses, whether there is clean money or black money. The CNE should have published the resumes of all the candidates, don’t we know what they do? What do they live on? Some do not pay taxes, the most important question for a candidate is why do they want to be president? Why do they want to be president? What are your personal merits? Who will be your ministers? How will they pay for their work programs? How is he going to pay off the debt of the stolen decade? What are they going to do if the irresponsible consultation of the Yasuní is denied? What can we Ecuadorians expect if the president is elected by illiterates, prisoners without a sentence and those under 16 years of age whose parents do not give them the keys to the house. I think the best thing would have been for President Lasso to finish his term.

Juan Orus Guerra


Human beings are born with the desire to please and please others. These acts of kindness generate endorphins in our brain which is a chemical of happiness. The same happens with little animals like a dog wagging its tail and putting its best face on her dream or the male penguin bringing the best or most polished stone as a gift to the female in order to conquer her. But what happens today in a materialized society where man must make an economic effort to please his loved ones despite not having the resources, and all this to avoid saying NO to his loved ones: I don’t have, I can’t, I don’t want to spend and they end up seeing it as greedy or stingy despite having a list of priorities: health, rent, basic services and studies. So how many are NOT needed to break even between income and multiple expenses.

At the gender level, even world society and population censuses refer to the man of the house as the head of the family. This means that you will have to resolve all types of absence, including the economic one.

We live a constant “commercial bombardment” for the financial user to buy or renew items that he will later pay for with some excellent “hooks” such as “buy today and pay after 3 months”. Practically happiness is conditioned by purchasing power or the ability to easily acquire material things. But we forget that we are born with nothing and we die without taking a single penny, not even for the boatman, but in the meantime we mortify ourselves for collecting or accumulating terreques Losing the direction of the life purpose of a human being, which is to be a better person, to be happy without conditioning and doing good in their thoughts, desires and actions.

Gunnar Lundh

Lords of darkness, terror and slavery of the world?

In apocalyptic times, evil subdues sleeping citizens. “The slavery of the 21st century will surpass all since man walked the Earth with control, hatred, deceit and extreme violence”. It spreads from China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua…, with infiltrated elites from the West of the “NOM”, con “donate money” the few disappear “real democracies”technology (chips, cell phones, artificial intelligence, robots…), science, the web, food, medicines, war, crime, drug trafficking, viruses, ideologies that kill the “Family of God”, etc. The country immersed in the Carondelet binomial and they forget that the Assembly, mayors, prefectures, referendums and Cpccs have been taken. Politically, with the inoperative-accomplice-traitor of the century and below, certain media, religious, teachers, pollsters, infiltrators in the Public F., etc. They appear first in the polls, “not in towns and cities”. Yes, they ask the person who sells smoked beans, sandwiches, ceviches, bread, groceries, how their customers will vote, it is “Not those who robbed and turned us into another Cubazuela (64 and 24 years of terror)”: Millions of retirees and affiliates (more familiar), harmed by those who assaulted and destroyed the IESS. Thousands of people affected by ISSFA and ISSPOL. Thousands of doctors fired by exchange of Cuban doctors exploited by the SSXXI. Thousands of teachers persecuted and replaced by pedophiles defended by power and judges who denounces the film Sound of Freedom (silenced by authorities, Big Media, Techs and Movies, killing freedom of expression) Congratulated by D. Trump in favor of the “Family of God”. Thousands of university professors exchanged for Cubans and demanded master’s degrees while the “lefties buy them”. Thousands of students who could not enter the university and imposed careers. Millions of 6 out of 10 without work. Thousands of parents when their children become addicted to the “drug table”. 18M who reject and flee from violence since they took out the Manta Base, open borders for the entry of dogs and cats, pro-corruption and crime laws, corrupt judges and the return of Correa. Thousands of retired military and policemen who suffered persecution and saw how the armed forces were dismantled. and Police. Thousands of indigenous people harassed, beaten, imprisoned who took away their headquarters and bilingual education. Millions who watched as international, national and VAT donations from the 2016 earthquake were taken away. Thousands of journalists and media employees harassed and closed, etc. 18M obsessed civilians, military and police guilty of the end of the free Homeland with fraud and crime, etc. About the famous and sad August 10, 1809desecrated with jail, gag and yoke by the dark ones in the same Libertarian Bicentennial? “AC 98 to the resistance for freedom”? Bolívar: “Slavery is the DAUGHTER OF DARKNESS. More than by force, they dominate us with DECEPTION. Let’s throw fear behind us and save the Homeland. When tyranny becomes law, REBELLION IS A RIGHT.” J. Montalvo: “Unfortunate of the town where the young are humble with the tyrant, where the students do not make the world tremble”. JL Mera: “And if new chains prepare, the injustice of barbaric luck, Great Pichincha!, you foresee the death of the Homeland and its children at last. Sink immediately into your deep bowels…, the tyrant treads only ashes and in vain seeks traces of being with you “. God the Father have mercy, wake up, guide and save Ecuador and the world!

Juan Carlos Cobo Rueda

#Letters #Quito #August

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