This fruit that you did not know is loaded with antioxidants and could help in diabetes

by time news

2023-08-19 16:00:29

The “ackee” is a common fruit in Central American countries thanks to its antioxidant properties. However, only a part should be consumed and in a state of maturity to avoid the effects of intoxication. Learn how you can also ingest it to treat diabetes.

Last update: August 19, 2023

The tree “Savory blighia“, better known as ackee or here, it produces a fruit with multiple benefits. In the popular culture of many Caribbean countries it is used to combat diseases such as: dysentery, allergic conjunctivitis and diabetes. Learn about its most remarkable properties and how to consume it to avoid adverse effects.

what is the ackee And its fruit loaded with antioxidants?

It is an evergreen tree, native to the West African region. It is present in countries with a tropical climate, such as the Ivory Coast, Gabon, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Senegal, among others. Because of this, its cultivation grew rapidly when it was introduced to the Central American region during the 18th century.

So much so that, currently, It is the national fruit of Jamaica.. It is known by various names, depending on the dialect of each place. In Cuba, as “arbol de seso”, in Panama as “vegetable egg” and in the French Caribbean as “arbre fricassá”.

It can reach a height of between 9 and 12 meters, has a dense crown, a short trunk and pinnate leaves. He ackee It usually blooms twice a year, with five-petalled green flowers. However, The main interest of this tree is its fruit, where it concentrates healing properties.

fruit of ackee

This false pear-shaped fruit appears green, although it changes its hue to red or yellow as it matures. It usually weighs between 100 and 200 grams and appears twice a year. Although the most curious thing is inside. The ripe fruit opens and is divided into three parts.

Each of them houses a large black seed. Nevertheless, the edible part is the fleshy, brain-shaped base that forms inside the fruit, known as an aril. For this reason, one of the nicknames of the ackee It is “vegetable ackee”. This aril has great nutritional value, containing the following essential nutrients for the body:

vitamins A, B and C, calcium, iron, fiber.

Properties and benefits of ackee

In addition to nutritional contributions, the ackee It is very present in Central American popular culture, where some of its parts are used to treat various conditions. For example, bloody diarrhea, conjunctivitis, or headaches. It was even taken by traditional medicine to treat diabetes. Let’s take a closer look at its benefits.

Contains antioxidants

Antioxidants are bioactive compounds very present in various fruits and vegetables. meet a central role in the treatment of different physiopathologies, such as hypertension, aging and diabetes.

The high load of antioxidants results in its use to improve these conditions, although experts suggest that more research is needed in this regard.

Used to control diabetes

Diabetes is a progressive disease that results from the body’s inability to produce insulin or use it effectively. In addition, it is characterized by high glucose circulation. Some plants have been used to treat it, due to the discovery of active constituents that can work for the preparation of antidiabetic drugs.

Several studies propose that the aril of the ackee can lower glucose level, since it has a hypoglycemic effect. In addition, they indicate that the treatment with this fruit is comparable with that of insulin.

It is used to treat dysentery

Dysentery is an inflammation of the intestines, which produces diarrhea with blood. As an antiparasitic, the ackee may be effective in treating the disease. In Jamaican culture it is part of the daily diet, due to its nutritional and medicinal values.

It is used in other conditions

In addition to diarrhea, the ackee is often used to treat headaches, flu or conjunctivitis. It is common to incorporate it into infusions to improve the symptoms of these ailments.

poisoning with ackee

Specific care must be taken in the preparation and consumption of this fruit, since different studies have verified its potential for poisoning. This is derived from components called hypoglycins A and B, which are found in immature fruit and seeds.

For this reason, for seven years the export of ackee towards the United States. Although, in 2000, the measure was lifted by the Food and Drug Administration. However, this prohibition can be related to the little knowledge of its benefits.

He ackee It should be consumed only when the fruit is ripe and opens naturally, removing the membrane from the base.. Otherwise, its ingestion can lead to the phenomenon known as “Jamaican vomiting sickness”, the effects of which can be fatal. Among them are:

loss of muscle tone, vomiting, seizures, coma, death, most occurring in children under five years of age.

He ackee in gastronomy, a way of incorporating antioxidants

This fruit is very present in the gastronomic and medicinal culture of some African and Central American regions. Especially Jamaica, where it is used as an ingredient to accompany fish and red meat. In fact, one of the most typical dishes in the country is cod with ackee.

However, caution should be exercised in its consumption: it is important to remove membranes and seeds to avoid toxic components. Its only edible part is the brain-shaped yellow aril.. In this way, it is possible to take advantage of its nutritional values ​​and its possible help with diabetes.

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