What is the completion certificate and why is it so important?

by time news

2023-08-16 08:48:54

Wednesday, August 16, 2023, 08:48

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After many months seeing how milestones are being met, finally the new construction housing It’s finished. But before signing the deeds and getting the keys to brand new house that you have been pursuing for a long time, it is necessary to solve some bureaucratic issues. Thus, to enter to live in a new construction residential development, it is essential to have the completion certificate.

This document, signed by qualified technical managers, definitively opens the door of your home. Without it, it is impossible to have access to the first occupation license or responsible declaration, which are the keys to contract the supplies of your new house, such as electricity, water or gas.

What is the CFO?

It is the document proving that the promotion for which a building license was requested has ended and that it is part of the final construction project. It records that all the actions have been carried out in accordance with the provisions of the project, while also including any possible modifications that may have been made. All this must be in accordance with current regulations.

Without this certificate, the homes that are part of the development cannot be occupied by their final owners. In addition, in the eyes of the administration, the work would still be underway, even though the construction company has already abandoned work on the farm.

Who signs the document?

There are four professionals who must give the final approval. Therefore, it will be mandatory for the construction manager to sign it, who usually coincides with the architect; and the director of execution of the work, who is usually the technical architect or surveyor.

All of them are responsible for ensuring that the new plant project has been carried out in compliance with all the safety instructions, quality controls and the rest of the pertinent specifications. This responsibility is maximum, since any problem derived from an error in the construction will be attributed to them.

Who writes it?

There is a team within the promotion called facultative direction. The people who work in this department are the ones who write this document. The team is usually formed by the director of execution of the work and the director of work, that is, architect and technical architect.

The corresponding professional association or associations will have to give the go-ahead and authorize it, after which it is transferred to the town hall, who needs to receive it to grant the first occupation license or the responsible declaration.


The completion certificate contains a series of points that must be duly completed in order for it to be 100% valid before the corresponding administration. The type of work that has been carried out must be specified, that is, new work or rehabilitation. The location of the work and the town where it is located must also appear.

The building license accompanied by the certificate and the details of the designer, promoter and builder will be included. Finally, the school number and data of the construction manager and the director of execution of the work, in addition to their signatures.

Documents required and included in the CFO

In addition to the data on the certificate itself, there are a series of documents that must accompany this certificate as annexes. They are mostly of a technical nature, such as the building plans, the building book, the order book, visas from the relevant schools, payment of building license fees, etc. It should be noted that there are regulations that must be complied with, such as the technical building code or the regulations on occupational risk prevention.

The completion certificate is directly related to the ten-year construction insurance, which will cover structural damage that affects its stability for ten years, hence its name. This is so because the structure of a building settles, to a greater or lesser extent, for a few years after its construction.

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