Letters to Quito / August 16, 2023

by time news

2023-08-16 07:05:00

There are no fighting people in Ecuador

We must be realistic and say things clearly and precisely. In Ecuador, both the military and the police have not demonstrated their true function, which is to deal with bad people and eliminate or neutralize them so that they do not harm or harm other people. In current times we have to say that the uniformed only serve to “impress or impress” the civilian population with their weapons and uniforms. Until now, no war has been won nor has any drug cartel that has entered the country been destroyed, on the contrary, the “queminportismo” of the uniformed men and the complicity of current laws have allowed hitmen and foreign mafias to make Ecuador their goldmine. It is time for a person with an improvement mentality, determined, fearless and who knows how to choose his collaborators to become president. The first thing he must do is hold a popular consultation to draft a new constitution in which the penalties are tougher and uniformed personnel are reduced, leaving only those who are determined to fight against evil.

Arturo B. Guevara G.

The right to defense and honor

It was investigated and verified two decades ago that people “repeat the first thing they hear, and generate behaviors that violate the presumption of innocence, which, although separated from each other, are linked to the initial concept” (Anderson, 1974). The ‘fan effect’, like ‘oil on paper’, due to media persecution or ‘cancellation of the file of a case, devastates a person’s past, makes their present unlivable and takes away their right to their life project. There are thirty human rights, and the presumption of innocence is interconnected with each one of them’. (The Sandra Correa case, F. Herrera, 2023). When objective facts are less important in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion or personal belief – ‘post-truth’ (Oxford, 2016), one must educate (Hackett, 2016) ‘the mind of bullies ‘ (Blanco, 2002) regarding the right ‘to due process; to a competent judge; to defense; to the word; honor, good name and moral integrity’.

Diego Fabian Valdivieso Anda

#Letters #Quito #August

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