21 Foods That Last Longer Than You Think: Tips for Keeping Them Fresh

by time news

Are you tired of wasting food and throwing away produce that has turned rotten? Well, look no further! We have compiled a list of 21 foods that actually last longer than you think, along with some tips on how to keep them fresh.

We all know the frustration of buying a bunch of bananas, only to have them turn brown within a couple of days. But did you know that if you simply place them in the refrigerator, the cold temperatures will slow down the ripening process? That’s right! You can enjoy your bananas for a longer period of time by storing them in the fridge.

But bananas are not the only food that can last longer than expected. Here are 21 other foods that have a surprisingly long shelf life if stored and preserved correctly:

1. Apples
2. Carrots
3. Potatoes
4. Onions
5. Garlic
6. Cabbage
7. Citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, etc.)
8. Squash
9. Sweet potatoes
10. Ginger
11. Tomatoes
12. Avocados
13. Beets
14. Celery
15. Cauliflower
16. Brussels sprouts
17. Radishes
18. Turnips
19. Kale
20. Bell peppers
21. Cucumbers

Now that you know which foods can last longer, let’s talk about how to keep them fresh. One important tip is to store them in a cool, dry place. For example, potatoes and onions should be kept in a dark pantry or cabinet. Leafy greens like kale and lettuce should be stored in the refrigerator crisper drawer, while citrus fruits can be kept on the counter.

Another tip is to avoid washing produce until you are ready to use it. Moisture can lead to spoilage, so it’s best to keep your fruits and vegetables dry until you are ready to consume them.

Lastly, if you have excess produce that you are unable to use before it goes bad, consider freezing it. Many fruits and vegetables can be frozen and used in future recipes, saving you from wasting food.

So next time you go grocery shopping, keep in mind that these 21 foods have a longer shelf life than you may think. By following our tips on storing and preserving them, you can reduce food waste and save money.

Do you have any other shelf life hacks for your favorite foods? We would love to hear from you! Comment below and share your tips and tricks for keeping food fresh for longer.

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