Vitamins to Combat Fatigue: Effective Solutions for Listlessness and Exhaustion

by time news

2023-08-21 11:11:06
Vitamins Can Help Against Fatigue: EFSA Approves Health Claims for Certain Vitamins

“Helps fight fatigue” – a pretty bold slogan for a vitamin supplement considering the many reasons fatigue can have. Nevertheless, it hits the nerve of the times: According to Statista, 30 percent of Germans feel tired and sleepy two to three times a week, and 18 percent even feel tired every day.

To ensure that people are not given empty promises, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in Germany regulates and tests food supplements to ensure that advertising slogans are scientifically confirmed in studies. EFSA has published a list of approved health claims, scientifically confirmed statements that can be used for advertising purposes. According to EFSA, the statement “contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue” is permitted for certain vitamins.

The vitamins approved by EFSA to help reduce tiredness and fatigue are Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (niacin), Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), Vitamin B9 (folic acid), Vitamin B12 (cobalamin), and Vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

According to the MSD Manual and the Federal Ministry of Health, a lack of these vitamins can lead to fatigue. B vitamins are involved in various metabolic processes in the body and play a role in maintaining a balanced immune system. While other vitamin deficiencies may also contribute to fatigue to some extent, the symptoms of tiredness and exhaustion are specifically linked to the vitamins mentioned above.

Despite a generally good vitamin supply in Germany, folic acid is an exception. The Federal Institute for Risk Research (BfR) states that 80 to 90 percent of the population has insufficient folic acid intake. While a varied diet is usually enough to prevent general vitamin deficiencies, certain risk groups should consult a doctor to evaluate their vitamin levels if they experience persistent fatigue.

When it comes to buying vitamins to combat fatigue, it is important to consider the underlying causes. Lack of sleep is a common reason for tiredness, and a visit to the drugstore may not be the best first choice in these cases. It is advisable to consult a doctor to determine if a vitamin deficiency is present. Blood tests can help evaluate vitamin levels accurately and guide the selection of suitable therapies.

If vitamin deficiencies are detected, it is recommended to take specific preparations tailored to individual needs, rather than purchasing over-the-counter dietary supplements. Some supplements may contain unnecessary ingredients and may be dosed too high for the patient. While it is difficult to overdose on water-soluble vitamins like the ones mentioned above, vitamin preparations against fatigue may also contain vitamin D, which can lead to overdose as the body can store it.

In conclusion, with EFSA’s approval of certain health claims for vitamins, individuals looking to combat fatigue can consider incorporating these vitamins into their diet. However, it is essential to consult a doctor to determine the underlying causes of fatigue and evaluate vitamin levels accurately to ensure appropriate and safe supplementation.]

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