Jewish Organizations Approve of Bradley Cooper’s Portrayal of Leonard Bernstein in Biopic ‘Maestro’

by time news

Title: Jewish Organizations Not Offended by Bradley Cooper’s Portrayal of Leonard Bernstein in “Maestro”

Date: August 21, 2023

In a recent turn of events, actor Bradley Cooper has come under fire for his portrayal of legendary conductor Leonard Bernstein in the upcoming biopic “Maestro.” Some critics have accused Cooper of engaging in “Jewface” due to his use of an enlarged, prosthetic nose in the film. However, leading Jewish organizations have come forward to express their support for Cooper’s portrayal, stating that they do not find it offensive or harmful to the Jewish community.

The American Jewish Committee (AJC) has publicly voiced their opinion, stating that they do not believe Cooper’s depiction of Bernstein with an enlarged nose harms or denigrates the Jewish community. They have also highlighted the stance of Bernstein’s children, Jamie, Alexander, and Nina, who have expressed that their father had a prominent nose and would have been accepting of Cooper’s portrayal.

Furthermore, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has echoed these sentiments, emphasizing that the film is a biopic about a legendary conductor and does not perpetuate harmful Jewish stereotypes. The ADL acknowledges the historical exploitation of Jews in antisemitic films where they were portrayed with exaggerated features such as large, hooked noses. However, they firmly state that “Maestro” is not an example of such exploitation.

While some individuals online have criticized Cooper and the film’s production team for playing into the “Jewface” trope, the criticism has been largely dismissed. Additionally, concerns about Cooper, who is not Jewish, playing a Jewish character have been deemed as fringe and inconsequential.

Cooper’s portrayal of Leonard Bernstein has been highly anticipated, and it is clear that major Jewish organizations support the actor’s interpretation. “Maestro” aims to showcase the remarkable life and legacy of Bernstein, focusing on his influential career as a conductor.

With overwhelming support from prominent Jewish organizations, it seems that Bradley Cooper’s portrayal of Leonard Bernstein in “Maestro” will be met with understanding and acceptance, rather than controversy and backlash.


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