Civil society mobilizes to ask the PP and PSOE to “dialogue” with a view to the investiture

by time news

2023-08-21 13:56:06

A few hours after King Felipe VI inaugurated this Monday the round of consultations to decide which candidate to present for the investiture, a manifesto promoted by the “Consensus and Regeneration” platform was made public to ask the Popular Party and the Socialist Party to open a process of dialogue with a view to the appointment of the President of the Government of the XV legislature of democracy.

This independent and transversal network that brings together prominent personalities from different professional fields and political sensibilities, has promoted a manifesto in which it urges the PP and PSOE to take advantage of “the current process of government formation to engage in a dialogue aimed at forging government agreements or legislature, where ideological diversity and pluralism are not an obstacle to understanding each other and to agreeing on fundamental policies in the interest of all Spaniards and of our own democracy”. A document that has already registered (and continues to register) thousands of signatures.

In a convulsive context, in which the majority of citizens are opposed to Sánchez negotiating amnesty or the referendum with Carles Puigdemont’s party, on the one hand, since Feijóo depends excessively on the decisions of those of Abascal, on the other, civil society speaks out.

The platform reflects on the contradiction of depending on the votes of a fugitive from justice after elections where the citizens have reinforced the bipartisanship, which is growing in the number of votes and seats, in the face of extremes and nationalisms that are regressing notably.

In addition, they ask to recover political cordiality “in the face of the polarizing logic that seeks to divide Spain into two opposing blocs” and to face, through cross-cutting pacts, “the challenges we face as a society and to provide institutional stability to our country . Because it is much more what brings us together as Spaniards than what separates us”.

Consensus and Regeneration defines itself as an “independent and transversal network made up of people who defend constitutional values ​​and want to add to regenerate our country.”

Manifesto in favor of transversal pacts

The manifesto, which aims to promote a pact between the two major political parties, reads as follows: “The 23-J elections have given rise to a complex political scenario without a clear government majority. The two big parties, PP and PSOE, have grown in votes and seats, while the parties that represent extreme or pro-independence options have notably reduced their numbers. For this reason, it would be contradictory if the governability of Spain ends up depending on the latter.

Faced with the polarizing logic that seeks to divide Spain into two opposing blocs, we believe that it is necessary to recover political cordiality that allows a constructive dialogue between the different parties and, in particular, between the PP and PSOE, in order to face the challenges that we face as a society and to provide institutional stability to our country. Because there is much more that unites us Spaniards than what separates us.

We must leave behind the trends of the past political cycle that have increased polarization, have given rise to political blockades and have deteriorated our democracy, subjecting it to marked institutional stress. Likewise, certain State reforms and policies that require cross-cutting consensus cannot continue to be delayed.

Thus, we ask the PP and PSOE to take advantage of the current government formation process to engage in a dialogue aimed at forging government or legislature agreements, where ideological diversity and pluralism are not an obstacle to understanding each other and agreeing on fundamental policies in interest of all Spaniards and of our own democracy”.

This document that requests political dialogue for an investiture that responds to a large social majority has already been signed by thousands of people. Signatures that are being incorporated into the organization’s website are still arriving.

#Civil #society #mobilizes #PSOE #dialogue #view #investiture

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