Recover the health of your back: 11 tips that you should keep in mind

by time news

2023-08-21 15:35:33

With a constantly increasing incidence, low back pain has become one of the most frequent reasons for medical consultations worldwide. A study published in the journal “The Lancet Rheumatology” in 2020 yields compelling figures: More than 600 million people worldwide suffered from low back pain that year. However, this figure is projected to grow significantly, exceeding 800 million in the next 30 years. Crucial risk factors such as smoking, poor work posture and obesity have been identified by the study authors as key triggers for this debilitating pain.

In Spain it has established itself as the most prevalent chronic health problem, according to a study by the Spanish Association of Primary Care. Statistics indicate that approximately 19% of the Spanish population (18.6%) experience back pain, presenting various causes and levels of intensity. Furthermore, it is estimated that almost 80% of the population will have experienced or will experience back pain at some point in their lives, reflecting the widespread prevalence of this condition in today’s society. Against this background, it is imperative to explore the underlying causes and adopt effective preventive and therapeutic approaches to alleviate the impact of low back pain on our health and well-being.

11 Tips to improve the health of the back that you should know

Buy a good mattress

We spend a significant part of our lives resting and recovering during sleep, so the choice of best mattress for back can have a significant long-term impact. A poor quality or worn one can affect the alignment of the spine at night and contribute to back pain.

Invest in mattresses to prevent back pain it becomes essential. A mattress that is too firm or too soft can put uneven pressure on your spine and muscles, which can lead to discomfort. Although there may be exceptions, in general, it’s a good idea to choose a medium-firm one that fits the natural curve of your back and provides even support. Additionally, technology in adjustable or memory foam designs can offer additional relief for individuals with specific needs.

A good mattress not only promotes restful sleep, but also contributes to the prevention of back pain in the long term. Of course, the choice of the same must be a decision based on which the personal needs and preferences of each user are taken into account.


Exercising regularly helps maintain a healthy weight, but it also strengthens the muscles that surround the spine. A stronger, more flexible body is better able to withstand daily demands without putting an undue load on your back. Low-impact exercises like swimming, yoga, and Pilates are especially beneficial. These not only strengthen muscles, but also improve posture and flexibility, reducing stress on joints.

Postural hygiene

Adopting proper postures when walking, sitting and lifting objects is essential to maintain the natural curvature of the back. Incorrect posture can put uneven pressure on the discs and vertebrae, which over time can lead to pain and spinal problems. When walking, keeping your head up and your shoulders back will help distribute your weight evenly. When sitting down, on the other hand, making sure that your feet are flat on the floor and that your back is supported by the back of the chair can prevent unnecessary back strain.

suitable weight

Controlling body weight is essential to maintaining back health. Excess weight increases the load on the spine, which can lead to increased pressure on the discs and joints. In addition, obesity is associated with a higher risk of developing cardiovascular and joint problems, due to the extra stress it places on the body. Maintaining a healthy weight through a combination of a balanced diet and regular exercise relieves stress on the back and reduces the risk of complications.

Balanced diet

Eating foods rich in calcium and vitamin D strengthens bones and prevents loss of bone density, reducing the risk of fractures and osteoporosis. Antioxidants and proteins are also important, as they help keep bones and joints in good condition. Foods such as dairy products, fish, green leafy vegetables, and fruits are examples of choices that support back health.

No Smoking

Smoking decreases blood circulation, which limits the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the tissues of the spine. Additionally, smoking can weaken bones by interfering with calcium absorption. As a result, smokers may experience a higher rate of disc degeneration and joint problems in the back. Quitting smoking becomes essential to maintaining spinal health.

Strengthen the abdominal muscles

A strong abdominal and lower back musculature acts as a protective shield for the spine. These muscles provide additional support, reducing the load that the spine must bear. Specific exercises that strengthen the abdominal and lower back muscles, such as crunches and leg raises, help maintain stability and prevent injury. A balanced workout that includes both the trunk and back muscles can mark a before and after and promote the health of a strong back.

Breaks and stretches at work

Long hours in front of the computer can put considerable strain on your back and neck. Taking regular breaks and stretching during work is essential to counteract the negative effects of static postures. Stretching the muscles of the back, neck and shoulders relaxes accumulated tension and improves flexibility. Stretches should target muscle groups that tend to shorten from prolonged postures, such as the hip flexors and neck muscles.

Controlling stress

Chronic stress can manifest physically in the form of muscle tension and back pain. The release of stress-related hormones can contribute to inflammation and muscle contraction, increasing the risk of chronic pain. Practicing stress management techniques, such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing, not only benefits mental health, but also helps keep your back in tip-top condition. Emotional balance translates into less muscle tension and a lower risk of back problems.

Comfortable clothes and shoes

Wearing tight-fitting clothing and high-heeled shoes can throw off your body’s alignment and cause spinal strain. Opting for comfortable clothing and cushioned-soled shoes provides adequate support and prevents awkward postures. Though often overlooked, paying attention to clothing details can have a significant impact on long-term back health.

Consult with a physical therapist

The physical therapist is an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal problems. Through personalized assessments and therapies, he can identify the underlying causes of pain and develop an effective treatment plan. Physical therapy, rehabilitation exercises, and pain management techniques are some of the options she can offer to restore back health.

#Recover #health #tips #mind

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