UMA Santa Ana Presents Socialization of Institutional Research Year 2022

by time news

2023-08-20 06:37:11

Dr. Claribel del Carmen Calderón, director of this higher education center, was chosen to moderate this important activity for both the academy and the teaching and student community, and above all civil society, stating that events like this are held every year. to publicize the results of the investigations carried out by the Santa Ana University Center, within the work plan of UMA at the national level.

This morning the results of four investigations in different areas were presented:

Teaching of the English language at the third cycle level in public schools.

The results obtained allowed us to determine which current English programs in basic education incorporate the communicative approach into the curriculum. It was identified that, according to teachers and directors, third cycle students have some difficulties to express themselves orally and in writing. The lack of participation in classes, the low performance in the development of competencies in the four macro skills and the fear of speaking in a second language are notorious. A relevant fact is that educational institutions carry out activities that mainly develop oral and written skills, since they are the ones that tend to be the most challenging for students and therefore the ones that should be reinforced the most.

Opportunities for Salvadoran microenterprises in times of crisis.

It was identified that most of the microenterprises constitute a stratum of subsistence economic units oriented solely to the day-to-day of their operational management. It basically represents an informal sector in your organization. With this, there are serious technical and administrative difficulties to face a period of crisis such as that derived from the COVID-19 pandemic. Many microentrepreneurs are unaware that the State takes steps to promote, protect and develop them, playing an important role in this section the fact that supporting the activities of the microenterprise sector requires formality, a feature absent in most companies belonging to the sector and that at a certain moment excludes them from state programs.

Psychological care for children and adolescents post pandemic by COVID 19 and the fourth

The results obtained allowed us to determine that children and adolescents experienced changes in their mood due to the confinement caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The most significant were sadness, tiredness, fear, frustration, irritability and insomnia. Additionally, the Ministry of Health assumed an important role during the pandemic by continuing to provide two mental health services. However, attention was focused on two sectors of the population: Frontline workers, since they were the ones who treated the first confirmed cases of COVID-19 and second, the people who were confined in quarantine containment centers. , since they presented psychological problems due to the restrictions of physical and social contact.

Respect for traffic regulations and road safety, to guarantee the physical integrity and life of the population.

As central findings of the study, it was possible to determine that the main causes of traffic accidents in El Salvador are: distracted driving, the use of cell phones, vehicles in poor condition, lack of respect for traffic regulations, people who drive at excessive speed, lack of a license, especially in motorcyclists. In addition, despite government efforts to educate the population and apply the corresponding sanctions in terms of traffic and road safety, there is still a need to implement actions aimed at this purpose, since car accidents continue to rise every day.

«Each one of the themes was developed by one of our teachers, who carried out a series of surveys among the teaching population, students, micro-entrepreneurs, and the active forces of the city, who were summoned this day to provide feedback with the results. results of the investigations and their possible solutions in which all the actors have participation as civil society.” In conclusion, Director Calderón

At the end of the presentations, the space for questions was opened to conclude with a breakfast and the delivery of brochures with each of the investigations.

It is worth mentioning that UMA Santa Ana has been a national champion for five years in the training of Legal Sciences students, standing out from prestigious universities such as UCA, UNICAES, etc., thanks to the leadership of its director, Dr. Claribel Calderón and her team. of work.

Lic. Carlos Enrique Avelino Rivera, Jurisprudence

Lic Karen Yarixia Rivera de Blanco, Social Projection

Master Gustavo Adolfo Valdivieso Aguilar, Researcher

Mrs. Evelyn Vividor de Escobar

Mr. José Roberto Ruíz

event attendance

#UMA #Santa #Ana #Presents #Socialization #Institutional #Research #Year

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