Sweden Democrats’ Actions during the Koran Crisis: Internal Emails Reveal Tension in Ulf Kristersson’s Government

by time news

Title: Sweden Democrats’ Involvement in Koran Crisis Causes Tension in Government, Internal Emails Reveal

Subtitle: SD Leader Jimmie Åkesson Under Scrutiny for Lack of Public Response

Date: [Current Date]

Amidst the ongoing Koran crisis, the actions of the Sweden Democrats (SD) have sparked significant tension within Ulf Kristersson’s government. Despite maintaining a low public profile, SD leader Jimmie Åkesson has been revealed to be actively communicating with officials inside the government office through internal emails.

Gustav Gellerbrant, SD’s chief official, confirmed ongoing discussions surrounding the Koran crisis, emphasizing Åkesson’s deep involvement in these crucial matters. However, external criticism has been directed at Åkesson for failing to take action against SD leader Richard Jomshof’s inflammatory tweets against Islam.

Recent internal emails obtained by Aftonbladet shed light on the extent of Åkesson’s involvement in the party’s internal affairs during the Koran crisis. One email, titled “Attitude regarding the Koran question and the government,” was sent by Åkesson’s assistant to Gustav Gellerbrant, the SD’s chief official in the government office.

The email served as a meeting invitation to discuss the emerging Koran crisis and how the party should navigate its relationship with the government. The timing of this communication coincided with accusations from various quarters that Åkesson was absent and silent on the matter. Throughout the summer, Åkesson had not appeared in the media or commented on the crisis.

In response to the mounting pressure, the government demanded that Åkesson take action. Johan Pehrson, the Liberal party leader, openly called on Åkesson to address Jomshof’s controversial tweets. Jomshof, however, continued to post inflammatory statements, including one where he referred to those disagreeing with him as “illiterate idiots.”

Regarding Åkesson’s position on the matter, insider sources within SD affirm that he fully supports Jomshof and has no intention of removing him from his role as chairman of the justice committee. SD sources claim that succumbing to the Left Party’s demand for Jomshof’s removal would be seen as a political victory for them.

Aftonbladet’s sources indicate that Åkesson remains actively involved in the party’s internal discussions on the Koran crisis. Despite his low public profile, insiders suggest that Åkesson’s engagement is significant within the party. SD’s Gustav Gellerbrant acknowledges that the party is discussing the Koran crisis both internally and with other parties in the government office, although he refrains from sharing the specifics of the mentioned meeting.

Last Friday, Åkesson publicly voiced the party’s stance on the government’s proposal to change the Public Order Act, aiming to make Koran burnings more difficult. He emphasized that the Sweden Democrats would not yield to threats or pressure from Islamists and dictatorships.

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson has labeled the Koran crisis as the most serious security policy situation for Sweden since World War II. Yet, tension arises within the government due to the conflicting actions of Richard Jomshof, a prominent figure in the partner party SD, and the government’s calls for sanity. Jomshof has faced backlash for his critical tweets about Islam, describing Prophet Muhammad as a mass murderer, slave trader, and robber.

Labor Market Minister and Liberal Party leader Johan Pehrson has raised the issue with Jimmie Åkesson, urging him to intervene. In response, Jomshof maintains that his statements are factually correct and stands by his earlier comments.

The current situation highlights the delicate nature of the Tidö collaboration in dealing with the Koran crisis. The government office has declined to release the email exchanged between Åkesson and Gellerbrant, citing its status as a non-public document.

As tensions continue to escalate, the government and the public await a clear response from Jimmie Åkesson regarding the actions of Richard Jomshof and SD’s stance on the Koran crisis.

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