9 Oatmeal Mistakes That Make Weight Loss Difficult: Avoid These Calorie Bombs

by time news

2023-08-21 21:04:03
Oatmeal is a healthy and popular choice for breakfast or dinner in the diet. But losing weight with delicious porridge only works if everything is done right. Because these 9 oatmeal mistakes make weight loss difficult.

These mistakes can turn oatmeal into real calorie bombs

Oatmeal is a popular food when it comes to healthy eating and weight loss. You are rich in fiber and included important nutrients such as vitamins K and E as well as iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, zinc, and selenium. In addition, they can help blood sugar levels to keep stable. However, there are some mistakes that many of us make when preparing oatmeal that are counterproductive and make losing weight difficult. We show you the nine most common mistakes that can turn oatmeal into real calorie bombs.

The porridge is not homemade

While ready-made oatmeal mixes are convenient, they often contain added sugar and other unhealthy ingredients like flavor enhancers. Many of these ready mixes are also high in calories. It is therefore recommended to prepare porridge yourself, to have control over ingredient quality and calorie intake.

The porridge is made with water

While cooking oatmeal with water is a low-calorie option, it does affect the flavor. A porridge made with just water tastes bland, is less satisfying and doesn’t keep you full for long. It lacks the natural sweetness that comes from using milk. As a result, there is a risk that we will try to sweeten the porridge in other ways. This can ultimately lead to a higher calorie intake. It is best to use a plant-based milk alternative to make the porridge creamier and tastier.

The porridge is incorrectly sweetened

Oatmeal can be sweetened in a number of ways, but some sweeteners are higher in calories than others. Adding refined sugar or syrups increases the calories and detracts from the oatmeal’s health benefits. This is how a healthy breakfast becomes regulates blood sugar levels, a calorie bomb that does exactly the opposite. It is best to use fresh fruit, berries, or birch sugar to give your porridge a slight sweetness.

Dried fruit is used as a topping instead of fresh fruit

Dried fruit such as dates and apricots is a delicious and healthy addition to oatmeal, but it is very high in calories. By removing water, not only does the nutrient content increase, but also the sugar content in fruit. It is therefore better to use fresh fruit as a topping to reduce calorie intake.

The source of protein is missing in the porridge

In order to achieve long-lasting satiety, it is important to combine complex carbohydrates, fiber, and protein to take. Oatmeal already contains all of these components, but if you add a little more protein to the porridge, saturation can last even longer. For example, stir in a teaspoon of nut butter, protein powder, or some Greek yogurt or cottage cheese. This gives the porridge a creamy consistency.

The portion of oatmeal is too big

The complex carbohydrates in oat flakes ensure a long feeling of satiety. However, it’s easy to overestimate the amount you need to fill you up. First, a portion of oatmeal works in the raw state kleiner than after the source. In addition, many people underestimate when saturation occurs. Unfortunately, we often tend to eat the bowl empty even when we are already full. For most people, one serving of oatmeal is enough 40 to 50 grams off to satisfy normal hunger. It’s best to eat slowly to give your body time to feel full and slowly work your way up to your ideal amount. In this way, you avoid an unpleasant feeling of fullness.

Too little water is drunk with the oatmeal

In order for oatmeal to develop its positive effect on digestion, it is important to provide your body with enough water to supply. The fiber in oatmeal needs liquid to swell properly. If you forget to drink enough water, it can digestive problems and constipation come. The unpleasant consequence of this is a thick and in some cases even painful bloated stomach. When eating fiber is recommended daily approximately two liters of water Or drink unsweetened tea. A glass of lemon water, which you drink on an empty stomach before porridge breakfast, also helps when you lose weight. It’s upsetting digestion and the metabolism and encourages satiety. This is how you avoid eating too large a portion.

Too many toppings in the porridge

Adding toppings like Nuts, seeds, honey, or chocolate chips definitely improves the taste and texture of the oatmeal. However, these toppings should in moderation to be enjoyed. If you use too many of these, the calories will pile up quickly. If your goal is weight loss, then it is important to control the amount of toppings used and to ensure a balanced composition.

Unhealthy toppings in porridge

Some toppings like chocolate, caramel, or sugared muesli mixes contain a lot of sugar and prevent you from losing weight. It is advisable to resort to healthier options such as fresh fruit, nuts, seeds, or yogurt. Berry are also an excellent option. Not only do they taste delicious and are low in calories at the same time, they are also true superfoods. Particularly blueberries deliver high amounts of important Vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that the cells in our body face free radicals protect. You can also add some baby food to your porridge for a fruity note because baby porridge is also suitable for losing weight.

Want to add some crunch to your porridge? Then are suitable almonds since they belong to the lower-calorie nut varieties or lightly roasted Cashews. Chia and flax seeds provide healthy omega-3 fatty acids and provide an extra portion of dietary fiber. The classic among healthy oatmeal recipes is Porridge with apple and cinnamon. This combination provides you with many nutrients and supports you in losing weight. Cinnamon namely regulates the blood sugar levels lowers the cholesterol levels and thus promotes fat loss.

Do you prefer a hearty breakfast? Then top your oatmeal with a quarter Avocado. This is also high in calories, but the majority of the calories are accounted for healthy unsaturated fats which you in combination with the complex carbohydrates of oatmeal keep you full for a long time. This will help you avoid grabbing unhealthy snacks between breakfast and lunch.]
#Oatmeal #quickly #real #calorie #bomb

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