by time news

2023-08-16 10:39:32

.- Those who accepted the terms of the Mondros Armistice Treaty and then the Treaty of Sèvres without protest and voluntarily accepted the erasure of the sovereignty of the Ottoman Empire and the independent Turkish people from history, thanks to Mustafa Kemal, it has been 100 years since their resurrection in Lausanne, the confirmation of a fully independent Turkish state within the national borders to the world. they could not understand.
Let me explain region by region:


– IN SEVR: Western Anatolia, Eastern Thrace, Aegean islands were to be handed over to all Rumeli Greece, Rhodes and 12 islands to Italy.

– And in LAUSANNE: all the settlements of Izmir, including Izmir, remained to Turkey.


– IN SEVR: Antep, Bilecik, Urfa, Mardin were handed over to Syria, including.

– IN LAUSANNE: All these regions (cities) remained in Turkey. The determination of the border of Mosul was simply postponed.


– IN SEVR: A line from the east of Giresun to the west of Erzincan, passing through the south of Bitlis and Van was designated as the border.

– IN LAUSANNE: All the listed districts (cities), including Kars, remained in Turkey.


– IN SEVR: A commission called “Straits Commission” was established and the Straits were managed by this commission. The members of this commission consisted of England, France, Italy, Japan, USA and Russia. Turkey was not included in the commission.

The Bosphorus Commission had a separate flag and budget.
Recruiting fees were granted only to allies.
The Turkish gendarmerie would be under the command of the allies.

– AT LAUSANNE: No Allied forces would remain in the Straits. The Bosphorus will be in Turkey’s possession, and it will be gradually (part by part) completely cleared of foreign soldiers.


– IN SEVR: The Kurds will establish an independent Kurdistan east of the Euphrates if they apply. The Ottoman administration will accept it on the spot that it will not object to this.

– IN LAUSANNE: Kurdistan’s name was not even mentioned.


– IN SEVR: An Armenian state will be established in Eastern Anatolia.

– IN LAUSANNE: Such a topic was never discussed, it was never even brought up.


– SEVR’DE: Adana and the east of Adana would be a French, Italian population region from Antalya to Afyon.
– IN LAUSANNE: There is not a single line about them. All these areas and regions remained in Turkey.


– AT SEVR: If the terms of the Treaty of Mondros are not respected, Istanbul will be immediately handed over to the Allies.

– IN LAUSANNE: This article has been cancelled.

– AT SEVR: If the terms of the Treaty of Mondros are not respected, Istanbul will be immediately handed over to the Allies.

– IN LAUSANNE: This article has been cancelled.


– AT SEVR: They would establish a judicial capitulation system under the supervision of an allied commission, and Turkey would accept it unconditionally.

– AT LAUSANNE: The judicial and economic capitulations are all cancelled.


– IN SEVRS: The privileges of the Patriarchate are increased, special judges are appointed for minorities.

– IN LAUSANNE: The privileges of all minorities (ethnic, national) were lifted (cancelled), international treaty provisions were adopted.


– SEVR: The Turkish army will not exceed 50,000 people, will not have heavy weapons, and 1,500 foreign officers will be compulsorily involved in the gendarmerie system.

Turks were forbidden to use any type of aircraft. Turkish aircraft and six torpedoes will have no more naval power.

– IN LAUSANNE: All of these limitations and notes have been completely removed from the contract.


– AT SEVR: Turkey’s finances will come under the management and full control of the Allies, compensation will be paid to the Allies, and the government’s financial decisions will be subject to the approval of the Allies.

AT LAUSANNE: These notes are completely cancelled. Only Turkey’s share of Ottoman debts would be paid.


– IN SEVR: Capitulations, foreign posts and customs tariffs will continue.

– AT LAUSANNE: Capitulations are completely removed.


The Treaty of Sèvres, which was the first of two completely opposite treaties, was accepted and signed by the last power of the Ottoman Empire.
In other words, the Ottoman Empire, which was defeated in the First World War, completely destroyed itself, accepted every desire of the enemies, and made the Muslims prisoners of the invaders.


In front of this, an Ottoman Turkish officer did not submit to this submission, but strongly opposed it. He started an armed national struggle in Anatolia. Ignoring all the threats and punishments of the king, he continued to resist with the greatest struggle, will and the rebellious power given to him by his national history. In the end, he expelled all the enemies from the country, signed the Lausanne Peace Treaty and accepted his victory to the whole world. This Turkish officer was none other than MUSTAFA PASHA KAMAL ATATÜRK. However, the same enemies have created fake historians in Turkey especially in recent years. They write history books against Mustafa Kemal. The politicians, academics, and religious figures they appointed are raising the country’s conservative people against Atatürk. Those who serve the enemy, those who take refuge in the enemy, in their own words, the infidel, are called Muslims, and the one who saved the Muslims from slavery is declared to be irreligious and an evil force. I wish that Turkey and the Turkish nation they will soon get rid of the religious and political people who are under the command of the enemies. They will soon wake up from this suddenness.

Addendum: The picture is a map of Turkey as a result of the Treaty of Sèvres.

Anar Kamalzade


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