Covid, what the new decree provides: from 15 February over 50s will have to have the Super green pass to work. Obligation to have a vaccine also for the unemployed

by time news

After quarrels and mediations between the majority forces, the council of ministers finally gave the green light unanimously to the new anti-covid decree which officially requires thevaccination obligation to those who have turned 50 and extend the green pass to different categories and activities. There League he voted in favor after the premier retreated Mario Draghi on the rule that initially imposed the Super green pass (the one in which they are only vaccinated and cured) to access shops of non-essential goods, banks, hairdressers and beauticians. Without age limits, the vaccination obligation is extended to university staff. Rebus of rules for schools in the event of the presence of positive pupils: in high school and middle school, the Dad for all triggers the third confirmed case – the rule has been changed with respect to the drafts – while with two cases only those vaccinated with boosters will remain in the presence. In elementary school you will go into dad already with two infections. The final release makes no reference to refreshments for activities damaged by the closures decided just before Christmas: according to theAnsa we will talk about it again in mid-January.

VACCINE OBLIGATION FOR OVER 50 – In Italy anyone over the age of 50 must get vaccinated, “in order to protect public health and to maintain adequate conditions of safety in the provision of care and assistance services“. The obligation is valid until June 15th but it is not specified when it starts, unlike the Super green pass to go to work which will be required from February 15th. Cases of “ascertained danger to health”, certified by the general practitioner or by the vaccinator, are exempt. The draft did not provide for sanctions in case of violation but some government sources have reported that a fine of 100 euros will be introduced.

SUPER GREEN PASS TO WORK OR NO SALARY – Starting from February 15, public and private workers – including those in the judiciary and magistrates – who have reached the age of 50, will have to show at work the Super Green pass, which is obtained with the vaccine or with the recovery from Covid. Who will not will not receive the salary but he will keep his job and will be considered “unjustified absence, without disciplinary consequences and with the right to retain the employment relationship, until presentation “. Access to workplaces without a certificate attesting to vaccination or recovery is prohibited and those who do not respect the ban will suffer a administrative fine between 600 and 1500 euros. All companies, therefore without exception to the total number of employees, will be able to replace workers suspended because they do not have green certification. The replacement is renewable for ten days until March 31, 2022.

GREEN PASS ‘BASE’ FOR BANK AND HAIRDRESSER – For access to personal services, shops, banks and public offices, the basic Green pass will be enough, the one that is also obtained with a tampon, as well as for vaccine or recovery. The first version of the decree required the reinforced certificate, but the ministers of the Carroccio put their foot down and won it.

VACCINE OBLIGATION FOR ALL UNIVERSITY STAFF – The council of ministers also approved the extension of the vaccination obligation, without age limits, to all personnel working in universities and institutions of high artistic, musical and dance training. For students, however, the previous green pass obligation continues to apply. Minister Maria Cristina Messa explained this, underlining that “the recommendation continues to be for the performance of all activities mainly in the presence” but the distance teaching tools put in place by universities, conservatories, academies, institutes remain “to guarantee who fails to go in presence.

SUPERIORS WITH 2 INFECTIONS, NON-VACCINATED ARE GOING TO DAD, WITH 3 DADS FOR EVERYONE – In elementary schools, with only one infection, the class remains in attendance with verification testing, but with two or more positive ones, the Dad is expected for a duration of ten days. In high school and middle school, if there is only one case of positivity in the same class, self-monitoring and the use of FFP2 masks in the classroom are foreseen. With two cases in the same class, integrated digital teaching is provided for those who have completed the primary vaccination cycle for more than 120 days, who have recovered for more than 120 days, who have not received the booster dose. For all the others, it is foreseen the continuation of the activities in presence with self-surveillance and the use of FFP2 masks in the classroom. With three cases in the same class, Dad is expected for ten days.

FREE TEST FOR STUDENTS IN SELF-SURVEILLANCE – In first and second grade secondary schools, students who will have to do self-monitoring can be tested for free. For this type of measure, the Commissioner for Emergency has authorized the allocation of 92 million and 505 thousand euros until 28 February.

LO SMART WORKING – No new regulations, but the ministers for the Public Administration, Renato Brunetta, and for Labor, Andrea Orlando, have signed a circular to “sensitize” public administrations and private employers to “make full use of the flexibility tools” that sector disciplines already allow for the use of smart working. Every public administration can plan agile work “with one weekly, monthly or multi-monthly staff rotation with great flexibility, also modulating it, as necessary at this particular moment, on the basis of the trend of infections, taking into account that the prevalence of work in presence indicated in the guidelines can also be reached in the average of multi-month programming “, reads the circular. “In summary, each administration can to balance the relationship work in presence / agile work according to the organizational methods most congenial to their situation, taking into account the epidemiological trend in the short and medium term, and the contingencies that may affect their employees (as in the case of short quarantines from contacts with coronavirus positive subjects) “, the text continues. As regards the private sector, it is specified that “the agile working method can be applied to any subordinate employment relationship even in the absence of individual agreements“.

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