Caritas Salzburg begins emergency aid for those affected

by time news

2023-08-22 13:20:43

Salzburg, August 22, 2023 (KAP) The Caritas of the Archdiocese of Salzburg will start on Wednesday (August 23) with the payment of emergency aid for the private individuals affected by the storm in Mittersill. In cooperation with the community, support is primarily given to those affected who urgently need donations, according to the aid organization in a broadcast on Tuesday. According to Caritas, it is assumed that more than 40 people need emergency help with damage to the living area. A severe local storm caused severe damage in Mittersill (Pinzgau) a few days ago: mudslides damaged roads and houses, the Rettenbach burst out of the stream bed.

Affected persons can contact the Caritas center in Zell am See (05-1760-5450); they receive quick and unbureaucratic emergency aid in the form of cash payments until insurance and other support payments arrive. “Of course, the concern and necessity will be clarified very precisely,” said Caritas.

“In such situations, it is very important to have a point of contact for help immediately,” emphasized Torsten Bichler, Head of Social Work, Employment and Solidarity at Caritas Salzburg. The aid organization helps those affected by the storm in their current situation with advice and also with cash. “We also find solutions for longer-term effects,” says Bichler.

Experience from past storms shows that storm damage sometimes poses dramatic problems for those affected, said Caritas Salzburg. In many cases, the food supply of an entire family is lost because the freezer or the storage cellar is muddy and damaged. Heating and electrical installations also usually fail completely. The aid organization reported that the costs of covering the emergency situation would put those affected in additional distress.

“Such storms demonstrate in a dramatic way the connection between the consequences of climate change and social problems,” explained Bichler. He sees this as confirmation of Caritas’ commitment to social and ecological sustainability.

In view of the many people affected by the storm, the aid organization is also calling for donations. (Donations to the Caritas Association of the Archdiocese of Salzburg, IBAN: AT11 3500 0000 0004 1533, purpose: domestic help)

#Caritas #Salzburg #begins #emergency #aid #affected

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