A year after the assault on Capitol Hill, America has not healed its wounds

by time news

A year after the assault on Capitol Hill by supporters of Donald Trump who wanted to prevent the certification of the election of Joe Biden, America is still torn apart. In a speech commemorating these events which shook American democracy, the American president planned to denounce, Thursday, January 6, the role of his predecessor. Joe biden “See in January 6 [2021] the tragic crowning of what four years of Trump’s presidency has done to this country ”, denounced Jen Psaki, spokesperson for the White House, explaining that Mr. Biden would expose “The special responsibility of President Trump in the chaos” and denounce “With force the lie propagated by the former president” on the 2020 election, allegedly rigged.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers A year after the assault on Capitol Hill, back to the day when American democracy faltered

The ceremony could have marked the recovery of an America having overcome this ordeal. Nothing is settled and the America that Joe Biden had promised to reconcile has not healed its wounds. Some 31% of Americans and 68% of Republicans believe that Donald Trump had his victory robbed, according to three constant polls from the Public Religion Research Institute. However, there is no evidence of the slightest fraud in the 2020 election.

In this deleterious context, two thirds of Americans believe democracy is threatened, according to a CBS survey. Only 54% of them are proud of the way it works, against 90% in 2002, confirms a poll for the Washington Post and the University of Maryland. Logically, the institutional order is no longer respected: a third of those polled believe that violence against the government can be justified.

Dissenting voices conspired

Certainly, Americans estimate at 57% that Donald Trump bears a significant or fairly significant responsibility in the assault on Capitol Hill, but this rate falls to 22% among Republicans. The assault on Capitol Hill did not therefore prevent the former President of the United States from maintaining his grip on the Republican Party. Dissenting voices, like Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, are booed.

Mr. Trump’s strategy remains chaotic. He had announced a press conference this Thursday, January 6 at his golf course in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, but he ultimately canceled it, blaming media bias. According to the American press, some of his advisers felt that he had little to gain from speaking out, while many Republicans did not wish to put the subject back on the agenda. Donald Trump is nevertheless the Republicans’ favorite candidate for the 2024 presidential election.

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