IMSS trains 11,200 doctors

by time news

2023-08-23 04:00:07

To promote the National Strategy against Antimicrobial Resistance (ENARAM), the IMSS offers medical training courses.
Since 2016, the WHO has indicated that actions should be developed to help minimize the appearance and spread of this problem.
If the current trend continues, it is expected that by 2050 the figure will be 10 million fatalities.

The Antimicrobial Resistance It is a topic of great relevance due to its impact on the lives of the global population. Only at present it is responsible for 1.27 million deaths although each year the number increases. If the trend continues, it could reach 10 million fatalities in 2050.

With this in mind, the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) carried out its National Educational Forum. The objective was to promote learning about awareness and understanding regarding the correct use of drugs in the hospital setting. In the end, he managed to train around 11,200 students. More than 1,200 were in person, while there were 10,000 remotely.

What was the goal?

The Health Education Coordination, headed by the Dr. Carolina Ortega Francodeveloped said forum for health personnel in training as a space for the exchange of opinions to stimulate discussions from an educational approach, as a proactive institutional strategy in order to promote a culture of health care that allows facing and correcting the course of this important public health issue.

The National Educational Forum was a space that had 32 experts from the health sector, from the General Directorates of the Ministry of Healthhealth and education regulations, managers of medical units, medical specialists of great recognition in the subject, representatives of national associations of medical schools, as well as university researchers of great national trajectory.

Twelve activities were carried out: three conferences, four round tables, two expert panels, one workshop, and two educational activities led by undergraduate and graduate students, where they listened to and interacted with experts for the generation of analysis, debate, and discussion of the state. that keep related topics. In addition to the fact that the training personnel themselves participated in activities as presenters of their arguments, ideas, experiences, and good learning practices at their training program venues.

The topics addressed were the importance of AMR control and prevention, inter-institutional experiences in the National Strategy against Antimicrobial Resistance (ENARAM)the role of students as population educators to combat self-medication, prescription and control of the use of antibiotics, identification and management of infectious diseases, and ethical, social and professional responsibility of health personnel in training in the prescription of antibiotics, among others. .

This educational activity for health personnel in training of the IMSS is the first of many that will be aimed at improving and maintaining not only their skills and technical knowledge, but also to deploy their professional and human skills for community work that this great health problem It is worth it, because at the IMSS we are convinced that the best investment in health is the education and training of its personnel.

The Directorate of Medical Benefits (DPM) of the Social Securitythrough the Health Education Coordination, has carried out various activities aimed at promoting collective learning and critical thinking of AMR trainee personnel, in order to raise awareness and strengthen the institutional program for the rational use of Antimicrobials, in addition to Develop educational materials for seconded staff.

WHO recommendations

In this sense, this national strategy derives from the recommendations that in 2016 the World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Organization for Animal Health (WHO ) developed actions that contribute to minimizing the appearance and spread of this problem.

This objective has as strategies: establish an educational communication program based on scientific evidence; promote the inclusion of the topic of antimicrobial resistance and its rational use in the study programs, as well as in the study programs in the different health professions, which will receive continuous training courses.

Also read:

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UNAM studies “predatory” viruses to combat antimicrobial resistance

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