the regime of Daniel Ortega declared the Jesuit congregation illegal and expropriated their property

by time news

2023-08-24 00:40:44

Canceled the legal status of the Society of Jesus Association. He had already frozen the bank accounts and immobilized the properties of the Central American University (UCA).

The Nicaraguan government, headed by former Sandinista guerrilla Daniel Ortega, canceled the legal status of the Association of the Society of Jesus of Nicaraguabetter known as the Jesuits, and ordered the expropriation of their assets, which include a university and two private schools.

The dissolution of the Nicaraguan Society of Jesus Association, registered since May 16, 1995, was approved by the Nicaraguan Minister of the Interior, María Amelia Coronel Kinloch, according to the ministerial agreement published in the Official Gazette. The Gazette.

The ministerial agreement comes a week after the Nicaraguan Justice, controlled by the Sandinistas, freeze bank accounts and immobilize property from the Jesuit Central American University (UCA), one of the most prestigious private study centers in the Central American country, after being accused of crimes of terrorism.

The UCA, considered one of the last bastions of freedom of thought in Nicaragua, rejected the “unfounded allegations” from the authorities, and decided to suspend his academic and administrative activities.

Pope Francis, a Jesuit, criticized Ortega in harsh terms. Photo Reuters

The Society of Jesus, to which Pope Francis belongsis with more than 16,000 members, the largest male religious order in the Catholic Church, as indicated on its website.

“We are pastors, teachers and chaplains. We are also doctors, lawyers and astronomers, among many other functions in the Church and in society. In the variety of our ministries, we attend to the whole person: body, mind and soul. And especially in our education ministries, we seek to nurture ‘men and women for others.'”

In the ministerial agreement of this Wednesday, the Ministry of the Interior maintained that the Asociación Compañía de Jesús de Nicaragua was outlawed by “breach of laws”because its board of directors had expired since March 27, 2020 and they did not report their financial statements for the fiscal period between 2020 and 2022.

The Interior accused her of hindering “the control and surveillance of the General Directorate of Registration and Control of Non-Profit Organizations” of that portfolio, of do not promote transparency policies in the administration and management of the Association, and that the regulatory entity was unaware of “the activities they carry out, the execution of their projects and if these are in accordance with their objectives and purposes.”

Regarding the liquidation of the organization’s assets, which includes the Loyola and Central America private schools, the Government explained that it will be up to the Attorney General’s Office to transfer the movable or immovable property to the name of the State of Nicaragua.

The Central American University of Managua. AFP photo

Relations between the Government of President Ortega and the Catholic Church live moments of great tensionmarked by the expulsion and imprisonment of priests, the prohibition of religious activities, and the suspension of their diplomatic relations.

In the 2018 student protests against the UCA government It was one of the centers of youth rebellion, prompting government retaliation, university leaders and faculty say.

These measures occur in the midst of a tense relationship between the Ortega government and the Catholic Church, one of whose bishops – Monsignor Rolando Álvarez – is serving a sentence of more than 26 years in prison for conspiring against the State.

Pope Francis called it a “rude dictatorship” to the Sandinista government in an interview with Infobae, pointing out “an imbalance of the person who runs” the Central American country.

Source: EFE and AP


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