The International Street Theater Festival kicks off in Venice

by time news

2023-08-22 10:10:24 – There will be more than twenty-five artists and companies from all over the world who, on the occasion of the XXVIII edition, gathered in Caorle, a charming seaside village, from 29 August to 3 September, to give life to the magic of “The Luna nel Pozzo”, international street theater festival.

And it is right at the road, as a place of discovery and a crossroads between different worlds, that this XXVIII Edition looks, which echoes Jack Kerouac’s warning: «Just follow the road and sooner or later you’ll go around the world. It can’t end up anywhere else, can it?’ And from all over the world come the shows that in this 2023 will enliven the squares and streets of “Little Venice” in a continuous mix of genres and a contamination between artists and the public: Kenya, USA, Argentina, Czech Republic, Germany, France and of course Italy, where “La Luna nel Pozzo”, due to its high artistic quality, is among the street theater festivals recognized by the Ministry of Culture for the three-year period 2022-2024.

«Walking, getting moving is inherent in human nature, we have the urgency to explore, discover, confront each other – says Marco Caldiron artistic director of “La luna nel Pozzo” – At the dawn of humanity, from the center of Africa, man set out for the world and since then our life has been a continuous moving, following paths, reaching new places, be they physical or of the soul. The road belongs to us, on the road we find new worlds and new humanities with which to deal and on the road we can also come across art, theatre, music, poetry. We walk from our first day to the last, always surrounded by poetry».

The Afro Jungle Jeegs will arrive from Africa, a nomadic group and collective of Kenyan performers who will propose an original artistic journey staging dance, acrobatics and music. The Festival will also bring to its national premiere the contemporary circus show Toca Toc by the Spanish company Cia Pakipaia, whose protagonists will evoke great moments of cinema and famous musical successes, in an exhilarating, absurd and amusing journey. Also for the first time, the public will be able to attend Collection by Filip Zahradnický, an artist from the Czech Republic who uses juggling, the manipulation of objects and movement as the main means of expression to generate surreal situations that put the contemporary circus in competition with the exhibitions of ‘art. The roller coaster journey of the acrobat Noah Chorny will start directly from the United States, while the Argentine manoAmano Circus Company in the new show NOSO3 with the Chinese pole will take the public into a dream world in which objects escape gravity. Complicity and sincerity are the ingredients of Fin demain by the Franco-German duo Zirkus Morsa, shipwrecked lost on the shore of their imagination, in a world that risks turning upside down. Acrobatics and clowning are the ingredients of Oveja Negra by the Spanish Duo Laos, a tribute to all those people who have had to hide their identity to develop and survive.

The Festival will be inaugurated on Tuesday 29 August by the itinerant performance Hopper in a box signed by Carichi Sospesi and Farmacia Zooè, which in the streets, squares and shops of Caorle will give life to tableaux vivants dedicated to the American painter Edward Hopper, through the bodies and voices of six actors and actresses.

From August 30th to September 3rd, there will be no street theater discipline that will not have its moment: the acrobatics of A Dúo Andaban, by the Rasoterra Company, by DuoFlosh and by Duo Un Pie; the acrobatics and evolutions of the Argentinian Duo Patagonia; Alex Piras’ string puppets; the juggling shows by the Swiss Collectif Acrocinus and the Italians Nicolò Nardelli and Simone Romanò; Jacopo Tealdi’s manual theater #quellodellemani, an innovative, original and creative show in which the artist’s two hands tell stories, dance and dialogue with the audience; the magic of Mago Mpare and Max Maccarinelli. There will be music, with performances by Filippo Brunetti, Henri Buking and the Rusty Brass Band, which will cross the historic center of Caorle to the rhythm of funk, rock and Balkan sounds. Finally, fire cannot be missing with the Al-Kimiyas in a show of manipulation of fiery objects that combines technique, action and magic. An alternation of scenic paintings in which the flames dance with the moving bodies and where the technical manipulation harmonizes with the gravitational laws of the universe.

The more traditional theater will be dedicated to Ahab by Ullallà Teatro and Compagnia DinDonDown, a theater laboratory formed by people with disabilities. Starting from Melville’s Moby Dick transposed in a contemporary key, the pièce tries to go deep to look not only at disability, to observe all the things that surround us in a different way.

#International #Street #Theater #Festival #kicks #Venice

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