«Excluded from a public competition because I had cancer in 2021»- time.news

by time news

2023-08-24 17:27:22

by Maria Giovanna Faiella

In July, the woman launched a petition on Change.org to ask the Government and Parliament to abolish the rules that discriminate against former cancer patients. Almost 28,000 signatures have already been collected

«I had breast cancer in 2021. Emergency surgery, I then underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapy (for pure prevention). Today I am on hormone therapy and I am fine. I participated in a public competition for “psychologist in the Guardia di Finanza”. After years of study, masters and commitment spent to crown this dream, I was judged unfit because I had cancer, in the current state of follow-up”. This was denounced in a video-appeal by Lucia Palermo, from Caserta, who last July promoted a online petition at Change.org to ask the Government and Parliament to amend the rule that discriminates against former cancer patients in public competitions.

“Prevent these injustices from happening again

The woman continues: «Public competitions have an age limit and I, due to my age limit, will no longer be able to participate but it was not my illness that destroyed my dream, but a decree, to which the competition refers , which equates those who survive breast cancer to those who are still sick, thus deeming post-cancer incompatible with military life. If I have passed all the medical, psycho-aptitude and physical tests, and if there are several oncologists who have written in black and white how fully I am healthy and able to carry out any activity without any problems, this is pure bureaucratic discrimination.” . Hence the appeal to the Government and Parliament to modify the decree in order to “prevent these injustices from happening again – the woman continues -. I think it will help all women who in the future will have the same problem and dream as me, given that today cancer survivors have a life expectancy equal to those who have never had cancer. As long as the laws continue to make the lives of those who have battled cancer a living hell, then being saved will have done little good.”

The proposed law on oncological oblivion

As for the current bill on cancer oblivion, already approved in the House and now being examined by the Senate for the definitive green light, «unfortunately, it would not solve anything in these cases, because it provides that 10 years have passed since the end of the disease comments Palermo.
One month after the launch of the appeal, nearly 28,000 people have already signed the petition on Change.org. Among the comments, words of support and testimonials from those who have faced a similar problem. DG writes: «I too am a former cancer patient (operated for breast cancer three years ago) and I think this is yet another shameful discrimination. I’m signing because I hope my country will soon become a little more civilized”. He writes
BS: «I’m a cancer patient, everyone must have the right to start over» . CS: «It is clear that cancer has a stigma that makes it different from other diseases».

August 24, 2023 (change August 24, 2023 | 17:26)

#Excluded #public #competition #cancer #time.news

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