Study finds that two pizza ingredients can alleviate rheumatism: Olive oil and mozzarella cheese

by time news

2023-08-24 19:14:27
Title: New Study Reveals Pizza Can Alleviate Rheumatism Symptoms

Date: 08/24/2023

Author: Alina Schroeder

Rheumatism is a widespread and painful disease that affects millions of people worldwide. However, a recent study has found that two key ingredients in pizza can actually help alleviate rheumatism symptoms. The study, conducted in Italy and the USA and published in the specialist magazine “Nutrients,” sheds light on the potential benefits of certain foods in managing this chronic condition.

Rheumatism encompasses a range of joint and muscle problems, with rheumatoid arthritis being the most common form. In Germany alone, one in 100 people suffers from this inflammatory joint disease, with women being more affected than men. Symptoms typically begin with pain in the joints of the fingers and toes, accompanied by swelling. Over time, the disease can spread to other joints, leading to a host of other symptoms such as inflammation of the tendon sheaths, fatigue, sleep disorders, weight loss, and more.

While many people may not associate pizza with a healthy diet, the study reveals that certain ingredients in pizza can have “positive effects” on rheumatic complaints. Researchers observed 365 rheumatism patients between the ages of 18 and 65 in Italy over the course of a year, and those who consumed half a pizza once a week experienced significant reductions in inflammation, pain, and swelling – up to 80 percent. The study attributes these improvements to mozzarella cheese and olive oil.

Dairy products, including mozzarella cheese, have been increasingly recognized for their anti-inflammatory properties. The study provides growing evidence for this claim and suggests that the presence of biologically valuable milk proteins in cheese can counteract the glycemic response to carbohydrates associated with the pizza dough. This combination of proteins and carbohydrates slows down the increase in blood sugar levels.

Olive oil, another key ingredient in pizza, also plays a role in reducing inflammation caused by conditions such as rheumatism. It contains omega-3 fatty acids, known for their anti-inflammatory properties. However, it is important to note that although pizza ingredients like mozzarella cheese and olive oil may offer some benefits, the overall harmful effects of saturated fats in pizza should not be overlooked. Rheumatism patients are advised to incorporate anti-inflammatory foods into their diet in a balanced and health-conscious manner.

This study highlights the complex relationship between diet and rheumatism symptoms. While pizza may not be the ideal choice for managing this condition, it does shed light on the potential benefits of specific ingredients. Further research is needed to explore the optimal dietary strategies for rheumatism patients, but for now, individuals struggling with this disease may find some relief in making informed choices about the foods they consume.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance and treatment options.]
#Surprising #Results #Pizza #Relieve #Rheumatism #Symptoms

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